Adventure Time
Adventure Time (2010-2018)
Adventure Time not only is a loveable buddy cartoon about a boy and a dog, but it is a tale of a world after a devastating war. The show centers around Finn the Human and Jake the Dog as they look for adventure in a magical world. The best friends navigate the Land of Ooo while they also protect Princess Bubblegum from the Ice King. The show has many quirky characters, bright colors, and wacky storylines which makes it amusing and enjoyable. The friendship between Jake and Finn stays consistent and genuine throughout the show. As the show progresses, the secrets of the war and the world become evident. Finn and Jake learn more about their land, and a dark aspect of the show seeps into the cheerful tone of it. The series dropped hints about the secrets of the Land of Ooo from the beginning, yet as it continued, these secrets come to light. Through the use of flashbacks and interesting storytelling, the show becomes more interesting and complex. The characters of the show develop and are all better versions of themself by the end of the series.
Adventure Time is popular for its variety of characters and plot that gets more interesting as it continues. The quirkiness of the show is not overshadowed by the complexity of the plot. It is merely enhanced. The show ran for ten seasons until its end in 2018 as its viewers said goodbye to a friendship that lasted eight years of the decade.
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