Bob’s Burgers
Bob’s Burgers (2011-)
Bob’s Burgers is a mature animated television show on Fox as well as Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim program. It follows the Belcher family -father and mother, Bob and Linda, as well as their children, Tina, Gene, and Louise- who run a burger restaurant. The series is comical and is similar to those in its genre such as Family Guy and Cleveland Brown. It revolves around the family and how they deal with situations regarding the restaurant along with the difficulties they face in their everyday lives. Although it is more on the comedic side, it is also a rather heartwarming show that touches the hearts of many who watch. Bob’s Burgers tackles a plethora of difficult topics such as sexuality, low income and self value. The art style is rather simple yet colorful and gives the show its overall charm. It is a relatable tv show that is great to watch and laugh with the family.
Bob’s Burgers has been running for nine seasons has been renewed by Fox for a tenth season and a film that will be released in the summer of 2020. The show has gained immense popularity and has also been nominated for a significant number of awards, winning a few in its years of production. The show will continue to surprise its viewers with its captivating and family oriented story.
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