Is homecoming too early this year?
Graphic by Kainin Blissett
Between new classes, joining clubs, and social stress, students are thrown the homecoming curveball. Last year’s homecoming dance took place October 8th. This year the date has been reserved for September 30th, causing a bit of a disagreement among students. There are debates on whether or not the dance is too early.
According to a twitter poll conducted by the MV Stampede’s twitter account, majority of students believe that the dance is in fact too early. After speaking with numerous students, that opinion can be confirmed. Senior Maggie Harter expresses her concern for the underclassmen, “the only problem with it being early is some of the underclassmen could be caught off guard. I feel as though they aren’t given enough time to meet new people, or figure out a friend group”.
Upperclassmen concern for the underclassmen is perfectly justified. After discussing homecoming with freshman Zach Malbon, the concern of being underprepared is extremely relevant. “I do plan on going to homecoming this year, but I am a little worried of not having enough time to meet new people and be able to enjoy myself at the dance”.
Despite student’s opinions on the date of the dance, senior Ryan Barry has some words of encouragement for his fellow Mustangs, “go to homecoming even if you have your doubts, it will be a good memory to look back on when you’re older, and you wouldn’t want to regret not going. Don’t miss out on opportunities you only get when you are young”.

Abbey Malbon is in 11th grade and is a spotlight writer. She is involved with Literary Magazine, Best Buddies and Fresh Connect. She spends her free time...
$@rgent $w@g • Sep 20, 2017 at 12:34 pm
I don’t care it’s all about the snacks
... • Sep 15, 2017 at 8:53 am
I think that the “debate” on the day that homecoming will take place is a little ridiculous. This year’s homecoming is only a week earlier than last year’s. There is plenty of time to plan out arrangements and in the end it is only a school dance.
anjelica mendez • Sep 18, 2017 at 10:47 am
doesn’t matter we are the earliest homecoming of 204 we should have all had our dances in October but it’s fine I’m just glad that we don’t have our dances the same like they did 2 years ago