Dean Rowe wins district-wide award
Students and staff gathered in the Sophomore class house this past Tuesday to surprise Jennifer Rowe, dean of students for the class of 2020, and present her with the A+ Award. The award is a recognition of the positive impact Rowe has had as an educator. Each month during the school year, the Indian Prairie Educational Foundation teams up with District 204 and sponsor ‘Wells Fargo’ to present the award based on nominations.
Sophomores Jo Balmuri and Shruti Bharatia, who nominated Rowe for the award, elaborated on what makes her an outstanding educator.
“She’s being recognized for all the long hours she puts in here at Metea, all the clubs she runs, all the events she’s a part of, and how she’s really changed the Metea community for the better,” Balmuri said.
The award is aimed towards educators that have created a positive impact in their school.
“She always inspires you to get involved and she always provides the opportunities necessary to get involved. All of the students that come in contact with her are motivated and encouraged to do something, be it something new or something they’ve been a part of for years,” Balmuri said.
Rowe, humbled by the support of the community, explained her motivation behind the work she does at the school.
“I just do what I like to do which is be with kids and serve the community, all the things I love which are volunteering and supporting students, seeing what they want to do and making it happen.”

Kennedy Homan is a person of many different problems. She likes ducks too much, she throws stuffed animals at people in school, and she has no social life...
Adi • Dec 1, 2017 at 11:23 am
Congrats Dean Rowe on your reward hope you keep inspiring students
Adi • Dec 1, 2017 at 11:22 am
Congrats Dean Rowe on your reward
Ethan • Nov 30, 2017 at 10:08 am
Go Dean Rowe Congratulations on your award.
Nintendo #1 Fan • Nov 30, 2017 at 9:54 am
Dean Rowe is the best!