Issue 2: December 6, 2017
In this issue… The high cost of fast fashion. Behind the scenes at collage. Life after injury. The truth behind teen anxiety. What Brandon Yechout has been watching. Macy Lippe goes “pro.” And much more! Read the magazine online.
Chroma • Dec 9, 2017 at 3:05 am
How in the Eighty-four forests is it logical to put a ban on standing in the lunchroom? I had heard about the decision to block all movement outside of passing periods, which itself seems poorly thought out and ineffective in accomplishing what it was intended to, but this is on an entirely differently level.
Also, I think it’s really quite neat that digital copies of the stampede exist now. During my time at Metea, it was next to impossible to ever actually find a physical copy of the stampede unless someone just left it in a random classroom, so I never even saw half of the issues which were released. This is a great fix to the problem.
darkstripe • Dec 8, 2017 at 9:36 am
-i like how they’re all “ToDaY’s tEeNs ArEn’T wAtChInG tHe NeWs” even though everyone i know watches the news in some form or another
-also honestly they should put more emphasis on the anxiety thing besides “practice all the time” or whatever. like tips to specifically prevent panic attacks or anxiety when there’s nothing to cause anxiety in the first place would be more helpful
Fellow Student • Dec 14, 2017 at 8:09 am
Wait a minute…aren’t you one of the many students who just two short weeks ago got into an argument about taxes on an article and issue that was relatively unrelated to taxes? For someone who takes issue to the claim that “today’s teens aren’t watching the news” (a claim that I found myself incapable of finding in the article) you yourself seem to be remarkably not up to date.
darkstripe • Jan 11, 2018 at 11:21 am
what does taxes have to do with watching the news? i do admit the tax thing got out of hand but i don’t see your point exactly