New courses available for 2018-19 school year
The 2018-2019 school year is right around the corner, and with a new school year comes course selection. A variety of new courses are being introduced this year.
Among these changes are more blended courses. In blended courses, a part of the week is in class while the other part is replaced with online learning. Blended courses give students more flexibility in choosing the pace of their learning. New blended courses that are being offered in the 2018-2019 school year include: Blended AP Statistics, Blended 20th Century Literature, Blended Internship, Blended Chemistry, and Blended PE.
There is also an increase in courses being offered online through eLo. eLo Courses are rigorous and need 5-6 hours of dedication every week, on par with a regular in-class experience. New eLo courses offered for next school year include: Online Web Design, Online Sustainable Energy, Online Music Theory, Online AP Human Geography, and Online African American Literature.
These courses can all be selected in the course request area of HomeAccess. For additional information, see your counselor or consult this page. Course selection opens on HomeAccess on January 16 and closes on January 31.
Don’t forget to apply for Newspaper Journalism and Yearbook Journalism here! Application deadline is Monday, January 29.

Avani Shah is a senior and Headlines Editor for Metea Media. This is her second year on staff. Avani is a black belt in Tang Soo Do. She can often be found...
.... • Jan 24, 2018 at 1:27 pm
SoMe CoMmEnT On HoW MeTeA MeDiA NeEdZ tO wRiTe wHaT i WaNt ThEm To or RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE RAGE. I Just Summed up most comments on this website.
darkstripe • Jan 24, 2018 at 3:25 pm
well, he’s got me pegged.