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Can you continue the Mattress Firm investigation, that was the only thing I look forward too on Fridays (save hot chocolate in December)? I really need to know whether they are laundering money in their mattresses? You need to do your duty as journalists to finish the investigation and bring light to what Mattress Firm is doing, this is not just about us, this is about the future of the world. If you don’t find out what they are doing, they will continue in their illegal activities. The entire school is counting on you to bring justice, not just to our students, but to all the mattress buyers in the world.
Voltaire • Dec 14, 2018 at 8:51 am
Can you continue the Mattress Firm investigation, that was the only thing I look forward too on Fridays (save hot chocolate in December)? I really need to know whether they are laundering money in their mattresses? You need to do your duty as journalists to finish the investigation and bring light to what Mattress Firm is doing, this is not just about us, this is about the future of the world. If you don’t find out what they are doing, they will continue in their illegal activities. The entire school is counting on you to bring justice, not just to our students, but to all the mattress buyers in the world.