Remind to halt text messaging service to Verizon users
Remind issued a release stating they would no longer offer text messaging services for devices using Verizon Wireless. Remind is a popular notification service which allows teachers to send texts to their classes with updates and reminders.
Verizon Wireless recently introduced a fee to organizations sending ‘spam texts’. Remind updates are considered part of that category. While Remind pays for each text it sends recipients, paying the additional fee to Verizon would cost 11 times the current amount Remind spends.
Remind’s requests for the spam fee to apply only to messages sent through Remind’s premium programs were rejected by Verizon. The fee is supposed to help pay for anti-spam services. For students with Verizon, Remind recommends switching to email updates or downloading their mobile application.
The Federal Communications Commission voted last month that text messaging is an information service and not a telecommunications service, leaving it largely unregulated. The companies are still negotiating, but for now, Remind’s text messaging services will end to Verizon customers on Jan. 28.
Information for this article was sourced from Ars Technica.

Avani Shah is a senior and Headlines Editor for Metea Media. This is her second year on staff. Avani is a black belt in Tang Soo Do. She can often be found...
Killian Kenny • Jan 29, 2019 at 10:43 am
There’s been an update in the story: Verizon has decided to comply with Remind and will continue providing the service for free.
Verizon phone user • Jan 17, 2019 at 2:13 pm
I’m not gonna lie this move by Verizon was very uncool and they potentially stand to lose a lot of customers as a result. Unfortunately, it seems every cell provider has their fair share of scummy practices.
darkstripe • Jan 17, 2019 at 9:23 am
if you have verizon you are Legally Banned from Any And All Reminders. You Will Be Forced To Use Memory Skills Even If You Do Not Have Them