Organizational festival engages musicians across the district
Neuqua Valley choir performs for guest conductor.
Band, choir, and orchestra students from across the district attended the annual Organizational festival at Neuqua Valley High School on Monday. Students performed pieces and were able to work on their skills for upcoming concerts.
“Organizational is a time when all music groups of the same level meet together and perform and get evaluated by a judge,” senior and chamber singer Sarat Sagaram said. “It’s a good workshop that all the music groups do.”
Students are able to watch performances by musicians from across the district. “It’s a really great opportunity to meet musicians in our own district,” senior and chamber strings violinist Sumukh Kak said.
Guest conductors and clinicians attend and work with students to improve their performances for upcoming concerts. “It’s a great way to learn different techniques that we don’t talk about in class,” Kak said.
Evaluation helps students get fresh perspectives on pieces they will be performing at future concerts. “[The judge] goes through the pieces and works on things we don’t work on in class and gives his perspective which is cool because when we come to Organizational we get to see this professional conductor help us with our songs,” Sagaram said.

Avani Shah is a senior and Headlines Editor for Metea Media. This is her second year on staff. Avani is a black belt in Tang Soo Do. She can often be found...