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Make the Mane Great Again • Mar 13, 2019 at 5:52 pm
The latest Manes have been dry, and the intro pales in comparison to the normal one. We would much further enjoy if the Mane would revert to the original style and cover actual issues.
This has nothing to do with the Mane but honestly Its starting to piss me off how everyday some of the boys bathrooms are locked. Like yeah I get it there’s a problem with vaping but its not only the guys… the boys bathroom only gets busted because the large group of guys walking in all at once and everyone standing in the middle of the bathroom. That is normal for girls. It has been that way for YEARS. Girls vape too! they have more stalls to use than the guys because they’re females and don’t need urinals. That pisses me off. Deans target guys because theyre not allowed to barge into the girls bathroom stalls. Seriously… I don’t appreciate having to walk across the school if I need to use the bathroom.
I think this was a really fun Mane episode. Not every single segment was the most well executed technically, but there is so much potential from the Media 1 students and I want them to keep exploring. What sets them apart from the Media 2 students is they are having so much fun with the material. They don’t take themselves too seriously and I completely admire that. The host segment was really enjoyable and I loved how they included them laughing and goofing around, which added more personality to the segment. Most of the hosts on the Mane are really dry and have no personality whatsoever, making for a really boring segment, so this is quite a good change of pace. There was also a really nice variety of segments and you can tell the creators really cared about finding the best story possible. There were news packages, community segments, profiles on specific people and entertainment. Each one was well edited and despite poor camera and audio quality, they captured the story of each segment really well. Most of the recent Manes, while really well made, have really poorly executed stories and often don’t have a purpose. Most of the time they don’t try and whenever a good story is presented to them, they either don’t cover it at all or do it in a really poorly executed and unpassionate manner. These Media 1 students are really ambitious and they clearly have a good understanding of what makes a good overall news episode and the ingredients are there. They just need to work out the technicals and use better equipment, then they are all on the right track. I am so proud of the Media 1 students and I can’t wait to see what they do next year.
Make the Mane Great Again • Mar 13, 2019 at 5:52 pm
The latest Manes have been dry, and the intro pales in comparison to the normal one. We would much further enjoy if the Mane would revert to the original style and cover actual issues.
Salty Student • Mar 12, 2019 at 9:23 am
This has nothing to do with the Mane but honestly Its starting to piss me off how everyday some of the boys bathrooms are locked. Like yeah I get it there’s a problem with vaping but its not only the guys… the boys bathroom only gets busted because the large group of guys walking in all at once and everyone standing in the middle of the bathroom. That is normal for girls. It has been that way for YEARS. Girls vape too! they have more stalls to use than the guys because they’re females and don’t need urinals. That pisses me off. Deans target guys because theyre not allowed to barge into the girls bathroom stalls. Seriously… I don’t appreciate having to walk across the school if I need to use the bathroom.
Jason Momoa • Mar 12, 2019 at 8:05 am
This episode reminds me of Aquaman fun and entertaining
Joey Fatone • Mar 11, 2019 at 8:57 am
I think this was a really fun Mane episode. Not every single segment was the most well executed technically, but there is so much potential from the Media 1 students and I want them to keep exploring. What sets them apart from the Media 2 students is they are having so much fun with the material. They don’t take themselves too seriously and I completely admire that. The host segment was really enjoyable and I loved how they included them laughing and goofing around, which added more personality to the segment. Most of the hosts on the Mane are really dry and have no personality whatsoever, making for a really boring segment, so this is quite a good change of pace. There was also a really nice variety of segments and you can tell the creators really cared about finding the best story possible. There were news packages, community segments, profiles on specific people and entertainment. Each one was well edited and despite poor camera and audio quality, they captured the story of each segment really well. Most of the recent Manes, while really well made, have really poorly executed stories and often don’t have a purpose. Most of the time they don’t try and whenever a good story is presented to them, they either don’t cover it at all or do it in a really poorly executed and unpassionate manner. These Media 1 students are really ambitious and they clearly have a good understanding of what makes a good overall news episode and the ingredients are there. They just need to work out the technicals and use better equipment, then they are all on the right track. I am so proud of the Media 1 students and I can’t wait to see what they do next year.
killian kenny • Mar 11, 2019 at 7:35 am
Don’t like the new Mane intro; doesn’t feel as well funded or put together was our previous two intros.