News Beats
Updates on IPSD school board, e-learning, TCD virtual open house and clubs.
Metea Theater (Alexandra Guckel):
Metea Theater is putting on Figments as their fall play this year. Figments is a story about Rick, who encounters figments of his imagination as he tries to push past writer’s block. He is interrupted by several other people in his life, and his imagination and reality come together. Metea students, along with director Matt Wolski, have worked hard in order to make the play come to life. Students interested in seeing the show can do so on November 7, 8, and 9, at 7pm in the Metea Auditorium.
Metea Speech (Ayden Reed):
This weekend will mark the first tournament of the 2019-2020 speech season. Two strings in each category will be competing at Fremd. This tournament is new for the team, as the season typically starts with the Wheaton North tournament the following weekend. Speech is an IHSA sanctioned event where students compete against other schools in various speaking, acting, and reading events. This next week will be busy as the team prepares with various coach and category rehearsals. Watch out as the Metea kids suit up for this weekend.
Mustang Music (Jessica Velasquez):
Treble singers had a performance at the Illinois American Choral Directors Association for their Fall Convention on Oct. 25. Mustangs traveled to Wheaton College where they gave a great performance. All jazz bands have started their season with rehearsals starting this week. They will continue up until the Fine Arts Festival in May.
Youth and Government (Isabella Villalobos):
Youth and Government members have started the process of creating bills and taking on the roles of many governmental positions. The program starts in Springfield, where it uses facilities at the State Capital. Meetings are every other Wednesday from 5:45-7.