Metea theater department puts on several student directed Winter Scenes
Winter Scenes actors perform for classes in the black box during the school day
As the winter season is coming to an end, the theater department is just beginning to showcase what they have been working on the past few months. Winter scenes is a collection of four student directed scenes. The directors and actors have put a lot of time and effort into producing scenes that are almost entirely student run, which sets this show apart from other shows in the theater department. Winter Scenes will be showcasing four one act plays, including Time Boggler, Super Lame, Wondrous Strange, and Don Juan. The shows are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults
Don Juan:
Cast: Luke McClure, Ciara Kenny, Julia Tesmond, and Valerie Zapata
Directors: Aliya Bennett and Ursula Sturgeon
There’s nothing worse than a neighbor throwing a huge party at 2 a.m., unless of course you consider they are about to die that very morning. Don Juan follows a man who’s ex lover and servant, despite his inevitable scripted end, are trying to save him.
Junior Ursula Sturgeon wrote this show herself, transforming her own visions onto stage for a live audience.
“I absolutely have been enjoying the show,” Sturgeon said.
Separate from all the other shows, Don Juan is very audience involved. There is a consistent break of the fourth wall to allow the audience to feel greatly involved in the show without physically partaking. This aspect certainly sets apart this scene from many of the others this year.
Returning to winter scenes, junior Julia Tesmond has enjoyed the process as well.
“I do some damage, but it is really cool,” Tesmond said.
Super Lame:
Cast: Teddy Malamis, Alyssa Livorsi, Max Schotz, and Ananya Gondesi
Directors: Taylor Dobes and Dominic Gonzales
A damsel in distress who wants to be a superhero and a villain who is in love with his rival? Super Lame is far from the traditional superhero story. It follows Leah who is unhappy with her role as a damsel and instead hopes for something more. As the scene progresses, the audience learns more about themselves and what it really means to be super.
This particular scene was directed by senior Taylor Dobes and junior Dominic Gonzales. It started over a year back as a passion project for Dobes in her AP III English class. She has been working on it since and finally got the opportunity to see it on stage.
“It seems so cool to see the characters I’ve been working on for over a year just come to life,” Dobes said.
This particular scene may be incredibly super, but it is far from lame according to cast member Alyssa Livorsi.
“It’s been really fun and I’ve gotten to be great friends with my cast,” Livorsi said.
Wondrous Strange:
Cast: Madelyn Schotz, Al Villanueva, Dominique Thomas, Roman Newhouse, Drew Chandler, Rosie Yu, and Skylar McClure
Directors: Roger Valdes and Jordan Mamon
Wondrous Strange takes a vaguely creepy path through the paranormal to create something that is definitely strange, but certifiably wondrous. The plot follows a ghost through three encounters, both highlighting the impact of the ghost themselves and the lore behind it.
This particular scene was adapted by senior Roger Valdes and junior Jordan Mamon. Together they worked to fit the production into the blackbox in a short scene.
It has been a very self guided process so far, the directors and actors taking initiative to put together the show.
“I really love how everything comes together from cold reading to getting to know every cast member to adapting who your character will be,” senior Alyssa Villanueva said.
This year will be Villanueva’s first year acting in winter scenes. In the past she has done tech, but now instead of behind the scenes she will be in front of it as the ghost.
“It’s just coming together, making it creepy and fun,” Villanueva said.
Time Boggler:
Cast: Katie Tegethoff, Devin Fischer, Philip Burleigh, and Maaheen Maajed
Directors: Jake Zeitner and Truman Mitchell
This particular show takes the audience to the future, back in time, and a little bit in between. Follow two best friends as they steal things from the government, travel back in time, and try to change their past to prevent turning into the dreaded garbage man?
Senior Truman Mitchell and junior Jake Zeitner collaborated to write and direct this one act production. They have been working since November to write, block, and costume design for this high energy comedy.
“At first I was really hesitant but then I realized this could be a really cool show and Truman and I worked really well together,” Zeitner said.
They have made a lot of changes and adapted the production to be at the point it is now. Although it is her first year to winter scenes, sophomore Katie Tegethoff has really enjoyed the process.
“It has been a lot of fun and I like it a lot so far,” Tegethoff said.
Zeitner and Mitchell are both really proud of their cast and the progress that has made the past couple of months.

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Nein • Feb 14, 2020 at 8:02 am
Did anyone else see two of these shows in the same day? XD
darkstripe • Feb 13, 2020 at 12:59 pm
director/writer of don juan here! really has been an absolute blast of a show; PLEASE come see it!