Best Buddies showcases skills at first-ever talent show
DJ Malone and MJ Palmquist dance during the show finale.
Best Buddies held their first ever talent show at Metea on Friday. Best Buddies is a worldwide organization aiming to create lifelong relationships between students with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their peers. At Metea, this was one of the first events where the Best Buddies program had an opportunity to showcase their various talents in front of their peers.
The officers of the club, Noelle Lindsay, Emma Gatz, Danielle LaRosa, Mary Claussen, Julianne Enas, and Rebecca Larmer, have been trying to develop a plan to put on a performance for a couple years, and have now executed it.
“We wanted to give the opportunity for all the members in our club to shine and show off all their talents,” Best Buddies President senior Mary Claussen said.
Some of the performances included dancing, singing, and even a Ted Talk. One student, junior Harish Ganesan memorized the specific day of the week if given a date from the year of 2008 to now. This showcase provided a new experience for students in Best Buddies at Metea to express their non-academic related skills.
¨My favorite part was doing the state capitals and country capitals,¨ senior Nathaniel Berglind, who memorizes capitals around the world, said. ¨I was very excited to perform.¨