Farewell Friday: Taylor Dobes
What school are you going to next year?
“I am going to North Central College.”
Why did you choose North Central?
“So, I’m majoring in musical theater, and they have a very good theater program. I have friends that go there for theater and they love it. I know a few graduates that are actually on Broadway right now, so I figured it’s really good for connections. I also get to stay closer to my family.”
What are you looking forward to the most when you head to college?
“Probably becoming more of an adult, getting to live my own life and discover who I really am.”
What are you going to miss the most about Metea?
“The people. I’m a part of Mustang Comedy, and I’m going to miss all of them. I’m going to miss the drama kids and the choir kids, I’ll miss all of them.”
What advice do you have for people who may want to major in theater?
“Keep perfecting your craft. No matter what other people say, or if you don’t do well at an audition, just keep going. Even if you don’t get the role, just persevere.”

Claire Baffes is a senior, this is her first year on staff, and she’s very excited to be here. She’s an avid member of Book Club, English Honors Society,...