Farewell Friday: Jenna Boyle
Where are you going to school next year?
I am going to University of Illinois at Chicago.
What do you plan on studying?
I plan on studying architecture. I am also committed to run both track and cross country at school.
What has been your favorite part of Metea?
My favorite part of Metea is the people I have gotten to meet. I love my teammates and the team culture that I have experienced.
What events at Metea are you going to miss?
I am going to miss homecoming and cross country and track meets. I am going to miss homecoming because it is always a fun way to start the year, and I will miss meets because I get to compete and have fun with my teammates.
What advice would you give the younger students?
I would tell the younger students to be welcoming and kind to everyone you meet. Also, they should stay true to themself and their beliefs and not let others make decisions for them.

Paige Friedlander is a senior, and this is her second year on staff. This is her first year as managing Editor. She is part of the cross country and track...