Farewell Friday: Robotics Seniors
Sam Hus
What college have you committed to and for what major?
Michigan state university for Computer Science.
What was the process getting accepted there like?
I applied super early, so I knew for a long time. My dad went there, so we got to visit a lot before I even applied.
How do you think Metea has prepared you for college?
Metea has a lot of courses that are really helpful, like Calc 3. That’s a requirement for my major, so getting that out of the way is super nice, along with the other AP course. They also have a lot of groups like robotics. It didn’t directly help me, but it helped me know what I want to do.
What are you going to miss most about Metea?
Probably all the people. I’ll miss going there and seeing the friendly faces.
What’s one piece of advice you have for current and incoming high schoolers?
Try and find what you like to do. Use your years to explore and find your passion so when you have to decide, you’re happy.
Lisa Liu
What college are you going to and what’s your major?
UIUC for Computer Sceince.
What was the application process like getting into UIUC?
The essay was the only thing that wasn’t statistics about you, and I really worked hard on that essay.
What is one thing you will miss about Metea?
Definitely the friends I made.
How do you think Metea has prepared you for college?
Metea has really good high-level classes, like the honor and AP classes. The structure of the classes forces you to think for yourself rather than just listening to teacher instruction, which is really important for when you go to college?
What advice do you have for incoming and current high schoolers?
I think it’s really important to follow what you want to do. Join clubs that matter to you. Don’t join clubs because you think it will look good on your resume; join clubs that you are passionate about.
Nathan Pruyne
What college are you going to and for what major?
I committed to Northwestern University for Computer Science, but I’m considering ad hoc majoring or minoring in Music Technology.
What was it like applying there?
To be honest, it was one of the more fun applications. The application was asking “why this school”, and it was really exciting for me to get excited about a school and see everything they had to offer. I really discovered how many opportunities Northwestern had that I could take advantage of.
What are you going to miss about Metea?
Being able to meet so many different people. I was in robotics so I met a lot of people there that I bonded with a lot. I was in the music program where I met so many people there. Being able to meet just a wealth of people was something I really enjoyed.
How do you think Metea has prepared you for college?
I think in terms of workload, I had a good amount that will be a good transition into college. I learned that being open and meeting new people is something I will take forward with me into college.
What advice do you have for incoming and current high schoolers?
Find out all the opportunities, and if something seems interesting to you, then just go for it. That’s what happened with robotics for me. I hadn’t even considered robotics. Then, I went to the info session, learned about it, and applied my freshman year. I met a great group of guys that are some of my best friends now. I never expected that to happen. If you see an opportunity and it looks interesting, go for it. You never know where it might take you.
Aayush Patel
What college are you going to and for what major?
I’m going to Georgia Tech for Computer Science.
What was it like applying to Georgia Tech?
It was a pretty smooth process. I wanted to get to know the school, so I visited back in 2018. I really enjoyed the school and I thought about what I had to contribute there.
How do you think Metea has prepared you for college?
Metea allowed everyone to participate in extracurriculars. It allows people to enjoy their community and find a close-knit group of people. That lends well to college because we have to do that over again.
What are you going to miss about Metea?
It sounds cliche, but I’m going to miss the people that I really got to interact with on a daily basis. It was very interesting to talk to different people and get to know them through high school, and some even since elementary school. That was really enriching for me, and I’ll miss that a lot.
What advice do you have for incoming and current high schoolers?
Focus on developing good friendships and good relationships in high school. It develops your personality and allows you to show what you can do as you get to know yourself.
Sahithi Tummala
What college are you going to and for what major?
I committed to Purdue for Data Science.
What made you decide to go there?
Purdue is one of the only schools out there that has a Data Science major, and they have a learning community that focuses on Data Science.
How do you think Metea has prepared you for college?
I’ve taken a lot of AP classes so I’m familiar with the rigor that is expected in college. There is also so many extracurriculars that have helped me prepare too.
What are you going to miss about Metea?
The people. I always have friends in every class, and especially with robotics, I would get to see them and hang out with them.
What advice do you have for incoming and current high schoolers?
You should join clubs that you’re interested in. It doesn’t matter if your friends are in it. This is a time where you should explore your opportunities. If you want to join a club but you’re scared because none of your friends are doing it, you should just go for it.

Gray is the longform Editor and a copy Editor enjoying their second year on staff. They are an enthusiastic writer who will always sneak Oxford commas...
q • Apr 28, 2020 at 1:50 pm
Aayush M. Patel. What a legend.