Senior Shoutout: Metea Valley Improv
Evan Lemburger
Where are you going next year, and what are you majoring in?
“I’m going to the University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign, starting as a civil engineer and going into environmental engineering”
Why that major?
“For as long as I remember, I’ve been passionate about the environment. Going into engineering seems like the most creative way to create a solution to the continuation of climate change”
What do you feel like Mustang Comedy gave you in your time here?
“Mustang Comedy was good practice to write things, which will come in handy for writing things in my future like presentations. It’s also good experience for working with others, which will come in handy as well.”
What are you going to miss the most from High School?
“On one hand, the friends I’ve made. On the other hand, working in the auditorium as a member of Aud Staff.”
Maaheen Maajed
Where are you going next year, and what are you majoring in?
“I’m going to UIUC, and I’m undecided.”
What are you looking for out of college?
“Becoming independent!”
How has Mustang comedy helped you?
“Being a part of this club really helped me get out of my shell over the last few years”
What are you going to miss the most?
“I’m going to miss the community. I’ve met so many great people at Metea and through Mustang Comedy, and I’m definitely going to miss being a part of this.”
Truman Mitchell
Where are you going next year, and what are you majoring in?
“I’m going to BUU, majoring in media studies.”
Why that major?
“I really enjoy telling stories through film. I’ve been doing film and animation for an internship for the last couple years, and have been able to do various projects in and out of school.”
How has Mustang Comedy helped you?
“Mustang Comedy has helped me become more comfortable speaking to others and also just being more in tune with humor, which helps with a lot of projects I do.”
What are you going to miss the most from High School?
“I’m going to miss the people. You can replace everything in life except for the people, so it’ll be sad seeing my friends less once I head off to college.”
Casey Pittman
Where are you going next year, and what are you majoring in?
“I’ll be attending University of Iowa to major in marketing on a pre-law track”
Why that major?
“Law is something I had thought about since 8th grade when we did debates in English class and started mock trials. Also, I couldn’t leave my speech suits hanging in the closet for the rest of my life!”
How has Mustang Comedy helped you?
“Mustang Comedy has tested my leadership abilities while building confidence in myself and having fun doing it all.”
What are you going to miss the most?
“I’ll miss getting to work with my best friends, especially playing typewriter with Jakob [Zitner] and Truman. I wish that Mustang Comedy was able to have one last show together, but I’ll definitely be back to visit next year.”

Claire Baffes is a senior, this is her first year on staff, and she’s very excited to be here. She’s an avid member of Book Club, English Honors Society,...