By Hailey Hagemaster
News Editor
Photos by Ethan Meyers
Freshman Orientation, held this past Wednesday, excited freshmen for their first year of high school. The Fresh Connect groups were an opportunity for the freshmen to make new friends while Pep Crew aroused them with school spirit.
Orientation consisted of the freshman getting their schedules, learning about school spirit, and receiving a tour of the school. Each group of freshman had at least two upperclassmen leaders that were there to help the transition go smoothly.
“Orientation helps the freshman meet new people and learn a little about the school before the first day of school,” Fresh Connect leader Sara Lagvankar said.
To kick off the day’s festivities, the BG Stampede showed the freshman Mustang spirit by way of a pep assembly, featuring cheers and the school fight song.
Divided into groups of 15, the freshman filed into classrooms and participated in various icebreaker activities. Afterwards, the freshman were able to ask the upperclassmen their questions about high school.
“The Fresh Connect leaders have answered all of my questions and reassured me there is nothing to be nervous about,” freshman Morgan Dudicek said.
The Fresh Connect program was put together by guidance counselor Javier Polavieja and has been a staple at Metea for years. Each leader is referred by their teachers and attends a mandatory meeting in order to be admitted into the program.
“It’s better for students to mentor other students… The upperclassmen have already experienced what the freshman are going through, so there is a better connection,” Lagvankar said.
In addition to orientation, each Thursday the freshman will meet up with their Fresh Connect group for half of their lunch period. These meetings are important to make sure the freshman feel comfortable with the transition from middle school to high school.
“All the upperclassmen are really nice and laid back. Fresh Connect has helped me meet more people and showed me there’s a lot of opportunities to make friends through clubs and sports,” Dudicek said.