Rockstar Games is infamous for games such as GTA or Manhunt (both of which have been banned or censored by multiple countries) and in 2006, they came out with another addition to their controversial games:...
“Might Delete Later” follows J. Cole’s successful sixth solo album, “The Fall Off,” with Cole surprising fans as he drops not only a respectable mixtape but a diss to Kendrick Lamar. “Might...
Conan Gray has released the highly anticipated pop album, “Found Heaven.” “Found Heaven” is Gray’s third studio release, ricocheting off of his second album, "Superache”, which was released...
Jordan Jones, Perspectives Reporter March 22, 2024
After taking the world by storm, the up-and-coming “Water” artist debuts her first album, self-titled “Tyla.” The artist grew up in Johannesburg, a city in South Africa, with her passion growing...
Moral ambiguity is too often thrown around as a way to easily introduce nuance to any character. It may increase audience engagement if they are kept unaware of who is “good” and who is “evil,”...
When it comes to making animated movie sequels, Dreamworks Studios has a hard time staying consistent. With certain franchises, like “Shrek,” “How to Train Your Dragon” and...
Jordan Jones, Perspectives Reporter March 11, 2024
“Where is the magic in life for you?” Zane Lowe, an Apple Music interviewer questioned. “In art, in human connection, in the people I love, in laughter, in creating something you’re proud of. There’s...
On paper, The story of a drunk anthropomorphic horse dealing with life’s traumas in a corny sitcom shouldn’t work. Yet, Bojack is a better reflection of intrusive thoughts, identity crises, and mental...
Isa Peters, Perspectives Reporter January 23, 2024
“Don’t drink the bath water” has become a well-known, hard-to-explain-to-your-parents meme, among many Gen-Z fans of the Golden Globe-nominated movie “Saltburn”. A psychological...