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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


All content by Danae Ing
Beauty and The Beast's powerful messages and beautiful design make it a must-see

Beauty and The Beast’s powerful messages and beautiful design make it a must-see

Danae Ing
March 23, 2017

On March 17, the new live action “Beauty and The Beast” film premiered, and so far, it’s been wildly successful. By March 19, it had already amassed over $170 million at the box office. The film...

Women don't have equal rights in today's society

Women don’t have equal rights in today’s society

Danae Ing
January 31, 2017

As young girls, we are raised to believe that we are equal to men. We are taught that our voices are just as important as the voice of men. So why is it that our voices are ignored and our rights threatened...

The Emolument Clause on Trump's presidency

The Emolument Clause on Trump’s presidency

Danae Ing
January 13, 2017

The Emoluments Clause is a piece of the Constitution written by the Founding Fathers that outlaws any “Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust” from gaining “any present, Emolument, Office,...

The implications of restricted reproductive healthcare

The implications of restricted reproductive healthcare

Danae Ing
November 2, 2016

Despite the Republican party’s growing calls to ban abortion, few are truly giving Americans a full picture of what a ban on abortion would entail. Because abortion is seen as a moral issue for many,...

Graphic by Ana Bicolli.

An update on Donald Trump’s changing policies

Danae Ing
September 21, 2016

It would seem that in regards to immigration policies, Donald Trump has experienced a rapid and extreme change in opinions that project an overall image of inconsistency, be it for positive change or a...

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