Netflix food documentaries greatly influence student’s lifestyles

One of Netflix’s most defining categories is the documentary section. Nestled within thousands and thousands of hours of diverse film, lies two documentaries created by film director Kip Andersen.

“Cowspiracy” and “What the Health” are two fairly popular food documentaries that begin to explain the relationship between animal products and the United States government. Both films have been criticized heavily from major media sources such as The New York Times and Huffington Post. The documentaries admittingly stretch the truth regarding issues surrounding livestock’s contribution to global warming and diabetes.

However, despite the fact that the extreme statistics relayed in the film have been debunked, people, specifically students at Metea, have changed lifestyle choices due to these documentaries. Many of the aforementioned websites believe that the majority is still impacted by these documentaries regardless of whether or not they are truthful.

“I believe these documentaries are still impactful even though some of the facts have been proved to be incorrect. I still think it’s important to shed light on these topics” junior Clare Pajakowski said. Pajakowski made a significant change in her lifestyle after viewing the films, and she no longer eats meat. “I am a vegetarian because of ‘What the Health’. The film really emphasizes the process of making meat and after seeing that I don’t eat meat anymore.” Pajakowski added.

Remarkably, people still choose to follow facts that aren’t necessarily true. After the publication of Andersen’s first documentary, “Cowspiracy”, there was a website created for the film simply to fact check what was stated throughout the documentary.

Scientists and physicians all over the world have joined the global discussion talking about “Cowspiracy”. The film essentially blames meat eaters for contributing to global warming and encourages veganism over purchasing a Prius. In Andersen’s second documentary, “What the Health” the United States government is exposed for promoting companies that monopolize citizen’s health.

Despite the fact that major media outlets have disowned the films, despite the fact that scientists and physicians worldwide have questioned the facts, people still listen and trust Kip Andersen leading one to only repeatedly ask the question, “why?”

Obviously, these documentaries aren’t solely created to to be torn down by media, but if the facts reported aren’t true, what’s the point. Without these type of health films would the conversations still be occurring about the government’s involvement with the average american’s diet?

Junior Esha Mandadi watched “What the Health” and believes that these documentaries are still extremely impactful. “The amount of meat that Americans eat has increased to the point where a meal isn’t a meal if there’s no meat. Huge food corporations are advertising unhealthy products for the sake of getting more money. Americans are suffering while these companies are profiting.” Mandadi said.

If the reaction to the films doesn’t display the American human condition,it’s hard to know for sure what will. Americans, known worldwide for their terrible diets, are being called out in this documentary just to be shut down by the very thing that has come to define America, the media.

One can only wonder if the future will hold anything new for health within the United States. Hopefully, documentaries and fake facts, will help inspire Americans to pursue a passion for a better environment and to research what they are putting in their bodies.