October brings spooky traditions to students this Halloween season
The Halloween season has become a favorite holiday season among Metea students. Several students have already been stocking up on spooky socks, decorations, and costumes.
Many students are going to local haunted houses, such as the Massacre Haunted House, Basement of the Dead, and the Statesville prison. Halloween events and haunted houses have been major opportunities for people to get in the seasonal mood.
Launches of horror movies and thrillers such as “It” and “Annabelle” have been publicized for the month of October, and have created horror movie nights among the students at Metea.
Recently, YouTube has been filled with videos of beauty influencers showcasing the art of Halloween makeup and outfits. Students from Metea have also been inspired to try some of these looks out.
“I’m going to be watching horror movies on Netflix with my friends. I might also try makeup looks because I tried some last year like the fake bullet in the face, and it turned out pretty well,” junior Viraja Dayal said.
The Statesville Haunted House recently had an event this weekend. According to its official website, they have won first place on numerous awards such as The Scare Factor, the Travel Channel, and Haunted Houses of Chicago.
“It was fun! There were a lot of people from Metea that went. I am planning to go to All Hallow’s Eve in Downtown Naperville,” junior Briana Wong said.
Although most people enjoy going out, some people are choosing to relax at home and enjoy handing out the candy to kids.
“I am looking forward to handing out candy, and go trick or treating,” junior Neha Immaneni said.
October has created a great sense of community for students at Metea who love Halloween and fall traditions. The matching halloween socks, going to haunted houses with one another, and using a holiday to embrace relationships between students leave the month of October filled with annual traditions.

Juthi is currently a senior and is entering her second year of newspaper as The Stampede’s profiles editor. She loves to sing, travel the world, and...

Kennedy Homan is a person of many different problems. She likes ducks too much, she throws stuffed animals at people in school, and she has no social life...
Maleeha Longi • Oct 20, 2017 at 8:31 am
CANDY!!!1!! i LoVE candY!!!! Spooky boi 11111
red • Oct 17, 2017 at 1:00 pm
but my question remains: why is there an article on halloween instead of something important? metea media never seems to handle things that have actual importance in the world (and if they do, they seem to treat it as less than an issue than it actually is) but that’s just my two cents
Uh • Oct 18, 2017 at 4:31 pm
What kind of “relevant things” would u want on Metea Media? This is METEA’s news. Not the bombings in schools miles away, and not the hungry people in Africa. Do you live in Africa? No. this is METEA media, meaning things that are relevant to Metea. If you want something to be written on Metea Media, feel free to turn in a student submission lol
Chroma • Oct 19, 2017 at 1:58 pm
Alright, listen here, bud. Halloween is the single most important event, holiday or otherwise, to occur in any given year. If Metea Media only wanted to put out articles which would unanimously be considered important, you’d only see posts about Halloween (with the occasional Movie Review with Brandon Yechout).
Ross Tomlinson • Oct 17, 2017 at 8:34 am
On an intellectual level I have come to the consensus that Halloween is good for the adolesence but bad for the overall culture status of Americans.
Chroma • Oct 18, 2017 at 1:50 am
Would you care to explain your logic, friend? I personally don’t see how halloween detracts from our overall culture, especially when compared to a number of our other national holidays.
Ian Doyle • Oct 18, 2017 at 8:57 am
I love Halloween
Ross Tomlinson • Oct 18, 2017 at 12:52 pm
This was not me and I am the real Ross Tomlinson…
Advin Palle • Oct 17, 2017 at 8:31 am
I do not think Halloween should be allowed in school because it is very distracting to the learning environment and does not contribute anything. If anything, it should be banned as it is no good and distracts me and my peers from being the best students possible.
F.U.N • Oct 17, 2017 at 1:39 pm
But what about fun? Not learning!
Hello • Oct 17, 2017 at 7:55 pm
You’re joking right?
F.U.N • Oct 18, 2017 at 8:05 am
But What About Fun?
F.U.N • Oct 19, 2017 at 1:38 pm
Me or the other person