MSA spreads the meaning of a cultural item on World Hijab Day
The Muslim Student Association, a club dedicated to teaching about the religion of Islam and the stigma around it, celebrated the holiday World Hijab Day, which encourages women of all backgrounds to wear and learn about Hijabs to spread the meaning of the Hijab on Feb. 1. During lunch periods, they held a presentation talking to people about the Hijabs and the Muslim religion.
At the booth, a group of MSA members discussed the importance of the hijab and describe its meaning in their culture. They also allow other students to wear it and discuss how it makes them feel. The members described it as an obligation in their culture, but also want to show that its a choice women make to show their pride in their culture, especially in an environment where its hard to be different.
“We really just wanna spread awareness about what a hijab is and why we wear it. There aren’t many people who do wear the head scarves so it’s good that people learn about it instead of making a judgement,” junior Ayesha Ali said.
This is an event that has gone on for the past couple years and MSA says that it has been very successful. Many students have shown interest in wearing the Hijabs and have had a fun time learning and dressing in these cultural artifacts. It has shown to be a great bonding moment for the community not only to learn more about an underrepresented religion, but does so in a way that’s enjoyable and cultural. And the members of MSA hope that it will leave some sort of impact on the students.
“Sometimes it’s hard to be different in a crowd, so its cool when people ask us questions about what we’re doing and who we are. It kind of gives us a connection when they know why we’re wearing this,” junior Rowa El-Khateavu said.

Ben Weiss is a senior perspectives editor and writer. It will be his second and last year on The Stampede. Other activities he’s involved in include...
Reality Doctor • Feb 5, 2018 at 1:39 pm
Football Jock and Madden Master at Metea Valley • Feb 5, 2018 at 1:40 pm
I know right! Jeez, you would think that the sports writers would talk about it.
mae strip tywyll yn anabl • Feb 5, 2018 at 9:27 am
Women in Iraq and Iran are protesting the Hijab. Let us all read and support and article about national “use this clothing to oppress women day”. Maybe Abby Malbon should stop complaining about false information and attack this article because this is the essence of oppression and possibly the only valid reason for 3rd wave feminism. To stop the oppression of women in places where it actually exists, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, not droning on about leftist propaganda in the United States.
axiet • Feb 6, 2018 at 8:10 am
“mae strip tywyll yn anabl”, I don’t disagree. Alas, this won’t happen.
abbey b • Feb 6, 2018 at 8:27 am
i agree that we shouldn’t overlook the oppression of women in middle eastern countries related to their dress code laws. don’t get me wrong. however, World Hijab Day is celebrated by Muslim Americans to combat islamophobia and educate others about this culture. this day is also meant to celebrate religious freedom in the u.s. , and i’m sure this article wasn’t written with the intention of disregarding sexism. it truly is a beautiful way to spread awareness and empower women.
mae strip tywyll yn anabl • Feb 6, 2018 at 11:04 pm
Empowering people by forcing them to do something, such a brilliant idea. Anyone who supports 3rd wave feminism (which I do not, the movement is a disgrace to first wave feminists such as Matilda Gage or Alice Paul who combated sexism that actually existed, not complain about a non-existent “pink tax” or claiming that cat calling is rape) that is also in support of the Hijab is atrociously hypocritical.
Caleb Berry, a proud patriot • Feb 6, 2018 at 11:20 pm
Islam Is fine to be practiced within laws of the constitution and actually can be a great religion to reference to. Sometimes.
Unfortunately Islamophobia exists in the U.S. not just based on the very large terrorist acts committed by just some people of Islam, but also some of the statements in the Quran, one example being…
“Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.
Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: “Taste the torment of the Conflagration!”
Quran 22:19-20, The Pilgrimage”
There are many more relatable quotes like this in the Quran. This kind of language is radical and with Islam having 1.8 billion followers its clear why Radicalism is far more popular among this religion, in turn creating negative ideas of Islam. But they’re not just stigmas. People base ideas off cause and effect, and there are plenty of causes that would create the fear of Islam.
Yes, I know Christianity has problems. And yes. Speaking terms relatable to the U.S., No one should ever hate anyone of Islam, yet Calling fear of a religion Hateful due to the current circumstances is just not the right way to put it. Its unfair to just point fingers at people and call them Islamaphobes, when the current circumstances are so unfavorable, just in the U.S.
Caleb Berry, a proud patriot • Feb 6, 2018 at 11:25 pm
As for national Hijab day? I hope this problem was talked of, and people learned about the good parts of the religion. Also, I hope people had fun trying on a hijab.
darkstripe • Feb 6, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Have to agree with axiet and abby b on this one. The oppressive laws in the Middle East are wrong, of course, but this little presentation isn’t saying “let’s oppress women”, it’s saying “let’s celebrate religious freedom in the US”. Also, I don’t think “attack” is the best word to use here, because attacking an article sounds like you’re only reading through something to point out its flaws and weak points and not really evaluating it.