Metea students participate in a national student walkout
Students across the nation raised their voices in national student-led walkouts on Wed. March 14 as a sign of support for the victims of the Feb. 14 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The walkout at Metea was estimated to have 700 participants and included four student speakers, an honoring of the victims of Parkland, and a rendition of Amazing Grace. Students were seen with signs and t-shirts supporting the general cause of unification and school safety.
Student speakers along with student-made posters at the event emphasized the importance of putting political opinions aside and coming together to support school safety and the importance of empowering student voice. “The deaths of these individuals demonstrates that prayers and thoughts are not enough,” senior and student speaker Alexa Jordan said in her address to the crowd.
Participants within this social movement all seemed to have a similar reason for walking out; increased visibility and representation. “I am walking out today because I am sick of what I have been seeing on the news. It’s wrong that school shootings have become, unfortunately, I have to say this, but a norm in our society,” junior Svanik Tandon said.
“I am walking out because stuff like this just needs to stop. After Sandy Hook and so many other shootings, all of this just needs to stop. Enough is enough. Like we have been saying, prayers and support is not enough. You have to take action and you have to advocate for our country’s safety,” junior Macy Margherio said
Others had more political motives. “None of us have grown up in a time before school shootings. It was in April of 1999 when gunshots were fired at Columbine High School. While this is a world we are in a sense accustomed to, it does not need to stay that way,” senior and keynote speaker Sarah Joseph said. She urged students to contact their representatives about what was important to them. “Change isn’t inspired by those who sit on the sidelines,” Joseph added.
Some criticism of the event has arisen on social media. People have begun to question the effectiveness of the movement. A significant amount of students decided not to participate in the walkout. “It’s not that I don’t support the movement, I actually really commend people for leaving and remembering the lives lost, it’s just I am not that good at math and leaving during my math class was not a good idea for my GPA,” junior Jack Orta said.
Although the walk-out was a thirty-minute-long, one-day event, many students spoke of their anticipation of the results of the walkout. “I hope to see a safer America and our country unite as a whole regardless of their standpoint on the issue,” senior Matt Valverde said.
Students chanted “we want change” as they marched from the flagpole of the main entrance to the grass off of the right side of the building. For many, that change is achievable in completely different ways. “I want to see our legislators take notice of our opinions and that they will, at the very least, listen to us and at the very most put new legislation forward.” sophomore Daniel Dehkordi said.

Abbey Malbon is in 11th grade and is a spotlight writer. She is involved with Literary Magazine, Best Buddies and Fresh Connect. She spends her free time...

Avani Shah is a senior and Headlines Editor for Metea Media. This is her second year on staff. Avani is a black belt in Tang Soo Do. She can often be found...
Ryan Umare • Mar 19, 2018 at 1:55 pm
I doubt most people went to the walkout because of political reasons. They just saw a =n excuse to skip 4th period
The Diddler • Apr 15, 2018 at 3:52 pm
Exactly, and a good portion of the students could not even stay quiet during a supposed moment of silence.
Cian28 • Mar 19, 2018 at 9:00 am
I am so glad that the main picture for this post has a sign similar to the one Echols deemed too offensive for the march. Conservative values are punished in this school and frankly, it’s B&^^#%@t. We shouldn’t have to fight for our rights like we are some group of 1960’s black panther party members, but we do. Thank you so much metea media, for not censoring our beliefs and for keeping our media fair and balanced.
Also, If you want to help join the Republican and Conservative Coalition, you may contact me at 630-464-4419
(work phone)
Bree de Change • Mar 17, 2018 at 4:02 pm
I understand that traditional values are being threatened, but there’s a song that says “the times, they are a-changing”, and the reason why people who have the potential to do amazing things but can’t is because that they are trapped in the past while the world moves forwards. I’m about to raise some eyebrows, but I think it needs to be said.
The Indus Valley civilization (modern day Pakistan) was the inventor of the basis of all numbers: the 0. It has a multitude of plus points. But look at Pakistan today. It’s a backwards country, with severe oppression of women, multitude of poor. Why? Because they forgot to keep changing. They grabbed onto ideals that worked centuries ago, but as countries developed around them and invented new things, they were left behind because they refused to change. They continued to keep their women at home, spent 5 – 6 hours of their day praying, and the rest of the time isn’t well utilized to learn new things.
We are walking down the same road that Pakistan walked 100 years ago. The new generations are holding onto what their parents said, who held onto what their parents said, who held onto what their parents said. How can the U.S. move forward if the new generations are being plagued by the amendments created in the past.
The right to carry arms is biting us in the butt and we aren’t doing a thing to stop it. It’s like Stockholm syndrome! It’s captured us and instead of freeing ourselves we’re trying to protect it because we LOVE guns.
The times are changing and it’s not waiting for us to let go of guns.
darkstripe • Mar 19, 2018 at 8:28 am
100% agree with this person here
I´mjustaguywhocares • Mar 21, 2018 at 11:37 am
¨… 5-6 hours praying a day¨? Are you serious? One prayer only takes 5-10 minutes max. The average person in Pakistan will spend maybe 30 minutes or less praying a day. The fact that you said they spend 5-6 hours seriously shows how ignorant you are. Women don´t even need to where their hijabs anymore either, which I know because my aunt never wears her´s. The real reason Pakistan has fell behind is because of political corruption, not because they are unwilling to change. If they were unwilling to change, then maybe they wouldn´t be in the top five intelligence agencies right now. In the end, you´ve shown nothing but ignorance in your post and doing a little bit of actual research probably would´ve helped you with your points
Proud Conservative • Mar 16, 2018 at 12:34 pm
As a proud conservative student, it hurts me to see all the divisiveness created not just by individuals who hold an opposing view to me, but also by fellow conservatives. I wish people would understand that this issue is much bigger than guns. That the solution is not as black and white as individuals make it seem. I agree we live in a failed system where individuals who should not have guns can obtain them, and this HAS to be changed. However, if we would all just take the opportunity to TALK with each other, understand each other’s viewpoints, and work on a solution TOGETHER to make sure this never happens again, the state of our union would be much better. God bless all the students pushing for change, God bless all the students pushing for unity, and God bless America!
BW • Mar 16, 2018 at 2:55 pm
BW • Mar 16, 2018 at 2:56 pm
Trompettiste • Mar 17, 2018 at 7:57 pm
I agree. I think the walkout caused a lot more judgement, controversy, and division than we all thought. The students that often shoot others are those that feel like the outcast and are left out. If we all took the time to learn more about others instead of judging others about who was/wasn’t walking, the school and America would begin to develop into a better place. I agree that we just need to understand each other more, thanks.
axiet • Mar 16, 2018 at 10:26 am
“Students were seen with signs and t-shirts supporting the general cause of unification and school safety.”
It was more anti-gun than anything. A person who supported the right to bear arms had a sign but it was torn down by another student. He was not able to get his sign back because Dr. Echols, the principle himself, grabbed the fallen poster and refused to return it back to him.
Actions speak louder than words. Even though people state this ‘walk out’ if for “unification and school safety” then this wouldn’t happen. Majority of signs and posters were anti-gun.
Blitz • Mar 17, 2018 at 7:35 pm
Yeah, I watched that. I was standing right there when the student did it. I was scared a fight would break out, actually. Multiple times during the whole thing, someone shouted “F*** GUNS!” out of nowhere.
partially Anonymous • Mar 16, 2018 at 9:24 am
Bosco sticks
darkstripe • Mar 16, 2018 at 11:25 am
b o s c o s t i c c
lol • Mar 16, 2018 at 8:20 am
Why guns though? It’s the people who use the guns though. Let me give you an example; A terrorist runs over a person with a car. I’m guessing you’d ban vehicles? Exactly.
darkstripe • Mar 16, 2018 at 11:24 am
No, because a vehicle has other purposes besides killing that overall have a more benefiting side.
A gun, on the other hand, has none.
CordMan • Mar 19, 2018 at 7:27 am
A gun is suppose to protect you when there is something harmful.
darkstripe • Mar 19, 2018 at 8:26 am
i can think of many things that also protect people when there is something harmful that don’t kill 96 americans a day ( but ok.
Someone Educated • Mar 16, 2018 at 7:35 am
“Putting political opinions aside”what a joke. This whole walk out was full of political opinions and nothing constructive. Most people there had no idea what they are talking about and it’s really sad. You can’t take my right away and never will.
Molon Labe
Trevoroni and cheese • Mar 16, 2018 at 11:40 am
I agree with you statement that most people did not know what was going on. Most people were talking as well during the moment of silence. I’m surprised that It wasn’t mentioned in this article.