Weekly Sports Update: 3/4 – 3/9
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Hockey (Nate Burleyson)
The varsity team beat Fox Valley 4-3 and Buffalo Grove/Hersey/Wheeling 6-2 to advance to the state semi-final game Tuesday night against Leyden at 8:45. The game is at the EDGE Ice Center in Bensenville.
Boys Track and Field (Madison McCalley)
To start off the week, the Mustangs had a meet on Monday at North Central College. In the 800 meter relay, the Mustangs got a season-best with the final time 8:19:56. In the 200 meter relay, the Mustangs finished with a 1:36:08. The Mustangs also had a meet on Sunday at the Bob Nihells Indoor Classic. Senior Nikola Maric ran a season-best of 23.49 in the 200-meter dash. The varsity 4×200 relay took third place with a 1.34.50. Their next meet is this Friday at North Central.
Girls Track and Field (Madison McCalley)
This past week, the Mustangs had a meet on Saturday in Oswego. Their next meet is this Thursday at North Central College.
Boys’ Water Polo (Nate Burleyson)
The varsity team competed in the Naperville North Quad last weekend. They lost to Naperville North 11-9, beat Waubonsie 9-8, lost to Naperville Central 18-7, and lost to Neuqua 14-13.
Girls Water Polo (Madison McCalley)
The Mustangs started their season with a meet at Hinsdale South. The Mustangs came out with a win against Hinsdale South. On Saturday, the Mustangs played against Neuqua and won 10-7. The Mustangs finished their first tournament of the season in third place. Their next game is later today at home and the Mustangs play Lockport.
The rest of the spring sports will kick off competition next week.

Kennedy Homan is a person of many different problems. She likes ducks too much, she throws stuffed animals at people in school, and she has no social life...
More of an announcement • Mar 12, 2019 at 7:28 pm
It’s more of an announcement
Is not a disclaimer • Mar 11, 2019 at 8:20 am
That’s not what disclaimer means