Humans of Metea: Roshan Sirole
The highest achievement a Boy Scout can receive is to become an Eagle Scout. To become an Eagle Scout, a Boy Scout must gain the necessary amount of merit badges, create a service project that benefits their community, and must be a well-rounded person with excellent leadership skills. Roshan Sirole demonstrates the qualities necessary to become an Eagle Scout. Sirole started Boy Scouts in sixth grade and worked to become an Eagle Scout.
What is Eagle Scouts?
Eagle Scouts is the highest rank in Boy Scouts. I had to create a project that would benefit the community. And it is a pleasant journey from the beginning. It takes a couple of years, but overall, it is worth it. To become an Eagle Scout, I had to do all of the requirements leading up to it. I had to get different merit badges, which are the different skills I had learned. I had to take on leadership opportunities in my troop. Also, I had to lead and plan a service project.
What was your service project?
My service project was at the Morton Arboretum. I wanted to help them out with invasive species, so for our project, we cut down invasive plants and trees and then used them as a check dam. A check dam is a pile of trees and logs to stop erosion from a nearby ravine. I had to convert everything I learned through Boy Scouts and then apply that to my service project.
What caused you to start boy scouts?
My brother was in Eagle Scouts, so I saw his journey. He went camping a lot, and I was interested, which is why I started Boy Scouts, I wanted to become an Eagle Scout like him.
What is your favorite part of being a Boy Scout?
I love the bonding with other scouts. It is enjoyable to work together for a specific cause and help each other. It is a lot of fun, and I enjoy doing it.
What are your goals for Eagle Scouts?
As an Eagle Scout, I want to help the younger scouts. I am just starting, and I want to help them advance through, and make sure they stay in scouting because it helps with team building qualities and team building. Also, I want to continue my journey through Eagle Scouts because there are so many leadership opportunities and opportunities in general.

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Disappointed in A disappointed Scout • Oct 17, 2019 at 9:46 am
I am unable to fathom parts of the idiocy in the statement seen above, although being factually correct. The MeetaMedia team is not referring to the program as boy scouts, Roshan is, and I don’t think I need to quote it because it’s in the first person. Another good point to bring up is that they didn’t really change the name, they added a “Scouts” at the beginning, therefore, making it Scouts Boy Scouts of America including the acronym. As well as that you completely misquote the article at the end. I agree that it isn’t necessarily the highest achievement, but they say it’s the highest rank, which to my knowledge is correct. Now, don’t get me wrong, because I’m very happy about the inclusion of other genders to make it an option, it really is an advancement in society overall. It just peeves me that you can get so many things wrong and be stuck up enough to be critiquing a thing that the adult staff only has to approve. You know who wrote this article, it tells you, talk to them if you want it changed.
Honestly, it scares me that a person in scouts and knows enough about it to write that paragraph strays so greatly from the values that it was founded on. To some extent I get it, the easiest to not follow is the last of the 13 values every scout should have memorized. Reverent. It’s also the easiest to stray from because it’s respect. Especially with the changes going on in the system, it’s hard to respect how others word it. Many people have the misconception that reverence mainly pertains to religious areas, shrines, etc, but it mainly applies to how we carry ourselves every day. Before February this year, it was referred to as Boy Scouts. As such, anybody who was in the program previous to that knows it as Boy Scouts. Since Roshan has his eagle and most likely Bronze and Silver Palms coming up, it’s safest to assume he had been in the program before February. In my opinion, I think you should respect the way he speaks about his achievements and how far he has come with the scouting program.
rosh • Oct 16, 2019 at 7:38 am
roshan I didn’t know you had leadership qualities where were they when we were doing the group project for bio
yeast fam • Oct 11, 2019 at 12:02 pm
very naice beta gee
A dissapointed Scout. • Oct 11, 2019 at 10:36 am
Hello MeteaMedia in this article you repeatedly refer to the organization that Roshan is a part of as being the Boy Scouts and that is incorrect. Boy Scouts of America is the parent organization of the program formerly known as Boy Scouts. That program has been known as Scouts BSA since February of 2019. This change of name was intended to highlight that scouts and Boy Scouts of America programs are not only for males and that female and non binary individuals may join. Your failure to properly cite the name of the program is a failure to reflect inclusivity of the parent organization and a failure by your staff to reflect female scouts’ right to participate.
Also as a far less important side note the Eagle is not the highest award a Scout can receive. Eagle scouts are eligible to receive Eagle Palms which denote a Scout’s continued actions and activities in scouting following the earning of Eagle.