Respect in the lunch room becomes a concern as students harass unsuspecting peers
Parent and student volunteers sell tickets for the play “Figments”
Metea is school with something happening nearly every week, whether that be a sports event, guest speaker, or even a music or theater event. One of the ways to get the word out about new events is through announcements. Often they are just though posters on the wall or announcements over the loudspeaker. When senior Roger Valdes gave an announcement at lunch about buying tickets for the fall play, the last thing he expected was for another student to throw a lunch bag at him.
Every day, those selling tickets for the fall play during lunch last week gave the same short announcement behind the counter. On this particular day, Roger received a lunch bag to his head instead of receiving positive feedback for the theater announcement. A student sitting at a table a few rows away had struck him with their garbage.
“We do the announcement behind the counter and then we just go on our day. But that day, a kid about two tables away threw a lunch bag at my face. They hit me right in my forehead,” Valdes said.
Students like Valdes are wondering how much authority lunch monitors have over students. According to Valdes, instead of them taking any immediate action, those responsible for the bag throwing went an entire day without disciplinary consequences. It was the next day when enforcement measures were taken.
The following day, the deans designated for that period came over and escorted the offenders out of the lunch room. These students will remain nameless to protect their anonymity. Despite their lack of immediate action, there was still some sort of eventual enforcement. The supervisors are recognizable staff that monitor and tell people to sit down when they are standing up or to quiet down when they are being too loud. Despite their duties, they are limited in their abilities to stop harassment.
“If it’s never reported, that’s the kind of thing that’s very difficult for teachers to see, even in a classroom,” chemistry teacher and lunch room supervisor Stephanie Stout said.
When Valdes was hit with the lunch bag, he claims the supervisors did not act right away, even though they were present.
“Sometimes teachers like to protect these kids, either because they might act out or because they happen to do something stupid. For them it’s just children,” Valdes said.
Some teachers responsible for looking out for students acknowledge that they are doing their best to prevent harassment or violence, but they also feel it is difficult because of a lack of official monitors each period.
“We’d love to have more teachers, but there’s only so many teachers to go in any given period. We’ll just be doing the best we can with what’s given,” Stout said.
There was quite a bit of protest among members of the fall play after the altercations in the lunchroom. The actors were particularly upset with the treatment of their castmate, especially since they know how difficult it is to speak in front of hundreds of uninterested high school students.
This is not the first time people have felt disregarded while giving announcements in the lunchroom. During Mustang Live, those who choose not to listen have been known to groan, walk away, or just not pay attention.
“It is tough to have everyone involved in listening,” senior MC Rissa Bajusz said. “It is a loud lunchroom so it is easy to be ignored.”
According to Valdes, this lack of respect towards peers and lack of immediate action by supervisors is an issue that needs to be resolved in a way that benefits everyone.
“I think some people don’t recognize those around them are people. If you put good attitude and good positivity into others, they will do the same,” Valdes said.

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Barnali Behari • Nov 27, 2019 at 11:36 pm
Metea Valley has a huge respect problem. Its not easily fixable, because getting more enforcement doesn’t stop bad attitude. Its very disheartening to see the comments section as well. So many people are making sarcastic comments about how “announcements are disruptive” and whatnot, but I wonder if they realize that getting information out there is more important than the slight (and brief) discomfort to their ears. Although, the whole lunchroom combined is more taxing on the ears than one announcement, so I’m not sure where people were going with that thought process. Whatever your feelings are, annoyance, hatred, anger, frustration, or just the need to appear cool to your friends, its never okay to hurt someone’s feelings. Instead of filling your egos and giving into peer pressure like children, take a moment to realize that your actions have consequences. It doesn’t matter if you care about announcements or not, but at the very least, all of us should care about being decent human beings.
peter • Nov 19, 2019 at 1:17 pm
This is so sad! can we have assigned seating at lunch? Alpha order please!
darkstripe • Nov 18, 2019 at 1:04 pm
maybe the lunch announcements would be more valuable if the Metea Valley speaker system actually worked and could be heard properly
Ok boomers • Nov 15, 2019 at 8:02 am
Dude, half of the lunch and hall monitors here are so useless. They could care less about when stuff like this happens, but when someone’s trying to go to the bathroom, they suddenly start pretending like they do care. It’s like they were bullied in high school and only say things to get some power over kids, not to actually do their job
Sticker Fairy • Nov 14, 2019 at 11:47 am
I wish Metea Valley staff was more consistent with enforcing rules. Not like a crackdown but just, not yelling at kids who forget their trash while not immediately getting on to students for harassing others.
Someone who loved the play... • Nov 14, 2019 at 11:37 am
I think that respect is a problem at our school. Lunch announcements do matter and I think its just another form of students expressing themselves and sharing what they love with others. I hope that Roger is okay and I’m appalled that immediate action wasn’t taken. It’s like this whole thing was straight out of a cliche high school movie. Good job to everyone who was in the play and I’m sorry that you guys had to deal with that.
Offset • Nov 14, 2019 at 11:08 am
To be completely honest, the announcements at lunch are very disruptive when my fellow peers and I are trying to enjoy our lunch. The whole situation was blown out of proportion. I will admit, the throw was on point and it was from behind the back so props to the thrower. But in conclusion no one really cares and we from the NAWF.
Musty_Marty • Nov 14, 2019 at 11:02 am
The people who wrote this article are also in theater soooooo BIAS.
coconut head • Nov 14, 2019 at 9:58 am
The big picture is that someone threw something at someone making an announcement. If you don’t care, don’t listen. Going up there and making an announcement is nerve-wracking as it is, and getting something thrown at you probably felt absolutely terrible. This is just about students respecting students. Whoever did that has anger issues, straight up.
no name • Nov 14, 2019 at 9:36 am
Just because some people don’t like the announcements,it does not give them the right to harass other students. Also the deans and supervisors need to take more measures with lunch room behavior.
praisetrashman • Nov 14, 2019 at 7:47 am
and end excess announcements!
as someone not involved in theatre • Nov 13, 2019 at 4:54 pm
I think that a lunch announcement is not a big deal at all. I think it’s easy to ignore. I’m not familiar with the harassment, but dealing with it would be a good start to reducing lunchroom issues in general (i.e. just because they don’t enforce other rules doesn’t mean they shouldn’t enforce this one).
Morgan Dykstra • Nov 13, 2019 at 4:18 pm
I understand that the announcements, for some people, are nothing more than an interruption to an otherwise uneventful lunch period, but, as a member of the theater community at Metea Valley, I respectfully disagree. Standing up to give out dates and times for shows is a huge part of ticket sales for Comedy, the Fall play, the musicals, etc. because although not everyone in the lunchroom may buy a ticket right then, it’s still good to get the information out there. For example, let’s say that you hear that the people are selling tickets for the play Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and today is Thursday. If you don’t buy a ticket, no biggie. But what if one of your friends comes up and says, “Hey, do you know when they’re selling tickets for the play? I went to the LMC early and couldn’t hear the announcement.”
If you didn’t have that information, maybe that friend wouldn’t bring ticket money the next day and maybe that’s another seat that goes on empty.
Sure, it seems silly, but if people have the info, they can share it and then that’s one more person who comes to see a show. You all make compelling arguments about the effectiveness of our announcements, but they’re essential nonetheless.
Also, however annoying something is to someone, that gives them no right to throw things at another person. That is rude and mean, no matter how angry they are.
Juice WRLD • Nov 13, 2019 at 3:59 pm
Honestly, I agree with Aiden we already hear the announcements 2nd period why are you doing lunchtime announcements legit nobody cares about the announcements at lunch it’s just a waste of time as nobody pays attention to them during the sports announcements nobody even bothered to applaud so if I were to have a saying just stop doing the announcements during lunch. And why was this even written as an article this isn’t a concern if you want a concern fighting that’s the main problem here at Metea so overall stop doing announcements as nobody even cares
Aiden Spenner • Nov 13, 2019 at 1:45 pm
To be fair and brutally honest, I don’t think many students actually do care about the announcements at lunch. Most of them are just annoyed at it since you can just say them over the morning announcements and put posters around the building and that would be enough to get students to want to go. Doing announcements at lunch just feels kind of excessive, if you ask me. Just discontinue these and I don’t believe we would have any more issues with this.
Bleh • Nov 13, 2019 at 1:30 pm
This is so stupid. Lunch monitors do nothing when students fling garbage at their fellow peers, but get furious when there’s garbage left on tables that students just happen to sit at. There’s garbage left from the period before, and unsuspecting students walk up and are about to sit down when lunch monitors come over and start yelling at that student to pick up their trash. They threaten to report students to deans for something they didn’t even do and draw assumptions out of thin air. Meanwhile, lunch monitors clearly see students throwing garbage, and sit there as if nothing is being done wrong.
Lil Tecca • Nov 13, 2019 at 12:17 pm
Ok first off why are y’all making a big deal over this at least less than half of the lunchroom listens to the lunchroom announcements honestly who cares about this there have been problems with fighting that’s more important than this Tbh like what is the student who threw the lunch bag gonna get a detention like come on
#freehongkong • Nov 12, 2019 at 7:57 am
or maybe people just don’t want to hear what they have already heard on the announcements again and louder. we can hear what you are saying but no cares or no one wants to hear so maybe you guys should just stop announcing them again.