‘Sex Education’ season two: a well-suited sequel to a highly praised series

Mishal Nizar

“Sex Education” season two delves deeper into main and background characters alike.

This season of “Sex Education” is easily one of my favorite sequels to a Netflix series. It is comical, relatable and all-around an enjoyable show. After rewatching the first season followed by a complete watch of the second season in less than 24 hours, I realized why I fell in love with the series to begin with. While I would not recommend watching it with your grandma, I do believe that the authenticity and rawness the show brings to the forefront is what makes it so special. 

The second season again follows Otis Milburn. He is still the same awkward teenager struggling with his mom’s occupation as a sex therapist; however, he has a newfound attitude and a girlfriend to boot. The beginning of the second season is hilariously fresh and a new start to a life full of Otis getting to know himself, what he likes and what he dislikes to be specific. In contrast to the start of the first season, this start is unexpected and made me laugh for a good three minutes. 

Compared to the previous season, the introduction to new characters and the amazingly well-done character development integrated within the show is the most interesting part. I would say that the most noticeable and important developments amongst the characters were Maeve’s and Jackson’s.   

Maeve was known for being the “bad” girl. No one really knew much about her outside of the countless rumors that roamed the halls of their high school. However, throughout the second season, we delve so much deeper into her as a character and her childhood. After the disappearance of her brother in the first season, Maeve lives by herself and works at a pretzel stand. This is until her mother and newly introduced sister make their way into her life. We learn that Maeve’s mom left her and her brother at a young age after a drug overdose and was receiving help to get clean over the past years. Maeve, rightfully, does not easily let her back into her life until she knows for a fact that she is clean. They begin to live together and all is well. Maeve experiences what it is like to live as a family for the first time in a long time. 

She learns what love is and takes care of her sister when her mother cannot. She also furthers her relationship along with her mom and it brings out a lively side of Maeve that she had not shown to the world since the time she spent with Otis. She is definitely a completely different person in this season and she embraces her true self and her true potential as a person who deserves love from all angles. 

While Jackson was heavily encouraged and controlled by his mother to do well in swimming in order to make a future for himself, he finally stands up for himself this season. In the beginning, he purposely breaks his hand in order to quit the life that is swimming. As he regrets it, to begin with, he later realizes that he is not happy with the life he currently lives. It takes a lot of bravery, a new hobby in acting, and a well educated best friend, to fully accept his true self. He goes through a huge shift in personality coming from this stereotypical jock to a teenager who loves acting and wants to embrace his newfound love wholeheartedly. He is also given a new friend in the form of his tutor, Viv. She helps him create a much clearer pathway to his goals in life while also helping him improve his grades. I think his development is completely for the better and very much inspiring for teenagers who feel as if they have to do one thing because they are good at it. His arc sends a powerful message and it really touched me in the sense that being a teenager is not the easiest and it is better to do the things you love rather than the things that benefit you. 

Although I put emphasis on Maeve’s and Jackson’s development as characters, the entire cast is given great growth. Aimee understands the importance of putting herself before others. Eric meets a new boy named Rahim and they both navigate a rather bumpy relationship together as Eric struggles with the return of Adam. Adam works on figuring himself out and who he is as a person. Ola and Lily explore their sexualities and what they want in their lives. Otis comes to a learns to accept others and be thankful for those around him. And even Jean understands what it means to take care of herself. The season is so jam-packed with new characters and stories you need to watch it in order to fully grasp it. I highly recommend this series and all it has to offer with amazing actors and actresses paired with a semi-realistic yet entertaining plotline. It is a must-watch and will most likely be getting a season three as it ends on a cliff hanger. I know anyone who is not afraid of what might be classified as “sensitive” topics will enjoy the series and have as a great a time as I did while watching.