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Mane staff continues to roll despite remote learning

Mishal Nizar
Even with the new environment of working remotely and the obstacles they face through that, the staff of the mane constantly produces excellent content.

From school cafeterias to home kitchens, the staff of Broadcast Journalism and Production proceeds to put hours of work into each episode as they post once a month.

The staff of the Mane has been working hard under different conditions than usual. Despite the difficulties arising from this school year, they have embraced the challenge and welcomed new opportunities.

“[Working remotely] has let us do some different stories that we wouldn’t have normally done, given being in a school environment,” senior Owen Harry said. 

Although they are still producing content on their usual schedule, Harry finds more chances to work independently on his segments. 

“For the most part, it’s been pretty similar because most of the stuff that we do, at least with editing and filming, can still be done in this environment,” Harry said. “We still get the opportunity to work together through Zoom, obviously. I know some groups choose to work together as a group, but I’ve done a lot of stuff individually and we still have the opportunity to work as a group.”

Even with the unique experience of filming remotely, the team also has to manage its team dynamic.. 

“A lot has changed,” senior Fiona Deloughery said. “Usually, when you’re in class, it’s a lot easier to brainstorm with everyone because you’re talking with everyone at once, and then you can break into groups and then do different projects. Now that it’s all on Zoom, it kind of takes that away, so you have to be more diligent and ask people what they’re doing.”

Logistically, getting student interviews and footage can be difficult, and makes the production process take longer. 

“The toughest thing overall would be doing stuff that directly relates to the school,” Harry said. “Obviously we don’t have students to interview directly, and we have definitely done stuff with that, but it’s been tougher.”

Regardless of the obstacles in the way, the two still find joy in creating content.

“The ability to create anything is the best part of this class,” Deloughery said. “It’s just fun to be able to do something and then share it with the entire school.”

In December, the Mane was nominated for the 2020 National Student Production Awards in the Magazine Program category. They are one of four schools in this category from across the nation, surpassing the 2000 other entries for this recognition. The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation grants this award yearly, and they will announce the final recipient from each category next month

“It was kind of insane,” Harry said. “We didn’t really expect it to happen. This is the first time it’s happened at Metea, so we were really excited.”

Deloughery is assured of the quality of the work from the Mane, but she was still shocked about the recognition.

“I was very surprised,” Deloughery said. “Not surprised that we could get this award, because our team is awesome, but surprised at how hard we’ve worked in this really crazy year.”

In addition to the team’s work ethic, the national recognition personally provided Harry with a new confidence about the quality of the Mane.

“It really showed that we have a pretty strong show overall last year and that we can carry that on to this year,” Harry said. 

The award also gives Deloughery confidence for her future endeavors.

“I was very happy about [the award], and I know that I won’t have a problem leaving the Mane into the hands of the underclassmen after I graduate,” Deloughery said.

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About the Contributors
Gray Corkey
Gray is the longform Editor and a copy Editor enjoying their second year on staff. They are an enthusiastic writer who will always sneak Oxford commas into your writing and fix your punctuation. They are part of the LGBTQ+ community, participate in Tri-M and robotics, and are a professional at splitting apples in half with their bare hands. When not in the newsroom, Gray is probably playing Dungeons & Dragons or buying more dice they don’t need.   
Cache Merriweather
Cache is a senior and this is her second year on the Stampede. When she is not procrastinating, you can find her binge watching anime or playing hours upon hours of Animal Crossing. She loves to learn new things and enjoys having healthy debates about social issues.   
Mishal Nizar
Mishal Nizar is a senior and is the Print Editor-in-Chief of the Stampede for her third year on staff. She was graphics editor for both her sophomore and junior year. When she is not in the newsroom, you can either find her hanging out with friends or drawing sketches on random pieces of paper because she can’t commit to using a sketchbook. Some other interests of hers include fashion, true crime, and listening to music.

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Mane staff continues to roll despite remote learning