Farewell Friday: Michelle Kazior

Ashley Xie

Michelle Kazior is a senior who plans to major in pre-pharmacy.

Michelle Serna

What are your plans for after high school? 

After high school, I am planning on attending the University of Wisconsin Madison to major in pre- pharmacy. 


What are you looking forward to in college? 

I am really looking forward to meeting new people and exploring what I would want to do in the future. 


What are you going to miss about Metea? 

I am going to miss my friends and my teachers who have made such a positive impact on my education. 


What is one memory you have from Metea? 

My favorite memory from Metea is the hot chocolate that the staff would give to the students every Friday in December. I think that was a really nice way to put everyone in the holiday spirit. 


What advice do you have for the younger grades? 

My advice would be to get involved in the community. Whether it’s joining sports or clubs, it’s a perfect place to meet new people and make friends. All in all, make sure to have fun and enjoy your time in high school while you have it.