Seniors consider the future careers and how to get there

Caleb Birch

Seniors create chants to cheer on Metea Valley’s varsity football.

There are a lot of steps in between knowing what to do for a career and actually getting there. While looking forward at those steps that need to be taken, looking backward seems more enticing as its permanence is craved for among uncertainty. Thoughts on the year so far, plans for the future, advice for freshmen, and reflection on the years past were considered in response to this dilemma.

Thinking about the future brings a lot of stress to the table. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opens Oct. 1. Many colleges and universities have application deadlines starting in November for early decision. The reality of life changing drastically next year is becoming more prominent as the school year progresses, so it is natural that there is more pressure to narrow down a list of schools or career options to have a better idea of what to plan for and what to do.

“I literally have no idea. I am torn between a few career paths but none of them are definite yet,” senior Rose Njoki said.

Choosing a specific career can be an overwhelming topic to some seniors because choosing one career can seem limiting and feel like there is no other option once chosen.

“I remember being anxious and confused about what I was going to do next… I was the first generation to attend college,” guidance counselor Lisa Lassandrello said.

However, some Metea Valley students may have an easier time finding what they are interested in. Senior Praniksha Salla is planning to continue her career in computer science. She has a specific field in mind, and is setting her goals accordingly. Some may be at a different stage in their planning, but based on these differences in every students’ academic journey and future plans, it is going to show if there is no one way to approach college or career choices.

For most seniors, looking back on being a freshman may be a haze of confusion and disappointing clothing choices, because it was such a long time ago. But, what is through the self-consciousness regarding past choices and mindsets is wisdom that can be offered to others.

“Have fun, do not be scared to put yourself out there. Meet new people, talk to your teachers, and if you do not understand something, ask questions,” Njoki said.

Improving relies on the reflection of past decisions. Time management and procrastination are well-known terms in the student world. But, reassessing study habits before they do not get a second chance to, is one way to reflect on the past.

“I definitely feel like I could have been more productive if I put aside my hobbies a little more,” senior Suji Cho said.

High school is a stepping stone into adulthood, but is not the only defining force for one’s future. 

While the choices that are made now do have an impact on the future, it is by no means a permanent and life-defining choice. Changing a career path or major is not a failure of decision or not considering every possible option, but a result of self-growth and self-discovery. The career path or major that wasn’t chosen did not exist as an option when the decision was made.

 “So, people always say how [high school] is the best years of your life and I do not think that is necessarily true…I think there is more to look forward to, but a lot of that is up to you to create and control,” French teacher Jennifer Lingon said.