See something, say something: administrators take no action
Through the years of me being at Metea, I have lost trust in the administrators. Important issues are pushed underneath a rug for far too long.
November 15, 2021
As I glanced over my right shoulder, I saw a blurry figure from a distance scurry towards me. I was sitting down on the cool gym floor as I quickly got up on my feet. My friend’s voice trembled, as she tried to speak. The worry in her eyes made me feel uneasy.
My hands started to shake when my friend began to tell me how an Instagram account posted false accusations about my best friend, practically sister, and people were threatening to come fight her, even though they did not know her.
I briskly walked up to my teacher. I explained the situation to her and without hesitation, she allowed me to go to the office. I first went to the main office asking to speak with Dr. Echols, but I was told he was busy and that I should talk to my dean first.
As I stepped into my class house office collecting myself with tears in my eyes, I described the incident to my dean and how upsetting it was. Without feeling any concern from the dean, I was told to sit down and write an incident report. That was all. It is now a few weeks after the incident, and I still have not heard anything from an administrator.
The cyberbullying of students still continues at Metea.
I felt like I was watching a movie I had seen before. I joined a club my freshman year. As that year went on, extreme bullying towards me from students in the club was constantly on my mind.
When I spoke about it to one of the deans, I was told, “That’s the nature of the group. Maybe you should find a different club.” The administrator also assured me that the bullies would be expelled from the club.
But to no surprise, they never were. I felt betrayed. I trusted the process and put my trust in the administrators. I felt emotionally unsafe. I was fearful to step into the halls of Metea again. I was also given an incident report form to fill out. I now know that nothing comes out of taking time to write these reports because there is no follow up.
The administrators tell us, “If you see something, say something.” I emailed an administrator about an issue that I was passionate about. I sat down and wrote a thought provoking email sharing my thoughts and possible solutions. After weeks of it being sent, to no surprise, I am still waiting on a response.
I saw something. I said something. But they did nothing.
During my sophomore year, one of my friends came out about her sexuality. She was constantly bullied and harassed throughout both semesters. That year, there was a school shooting threat targeted toward Metea. When the threats were made, she constantly felt like there was a target on her back. When talking with my friend, she explained to me that if she told administrators at our school, they would not do anything and things would get progressively worse than they already are.
You know what? She was right.
Metea needs to get its priorities straight. Administrators are wasting their time and energy on bathroom duty rather than the actual emotional problems of the students. The administrators act when the issues are right in front of their faces, but when there are issues happening online, they are ignored.
Instead of just giving us incident reports to fill out, actually follow up on the issues. Stop treating us like kindergarteners, and that we do not see what’s going on in our own school. If administrators are telling us, students, to “live with integrity,” then maybe they should too.
At this point, I am exhausted.
I am tired of talking about this to different people to hope for a better answer.
I am tired, and I have no more anger left inside of me.
I am tired of the hypocrisy of this school by not living by its own words.
I am looking forward to graduation day when I leave Metea for good. When I move onto college, l surely hope that there will be better administrators than the ones at Metea. I am looking forward to student advocates that will have our best interests in mind, regardless of the circumstances.
The scars caused by the Metea administrators will always dampen my high school career.
It is finally time for the administrators to step up and walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.
Sheryl • May 16, 2022 at 11:16 pm
Very well written and thought provoking. As a parent, I have witnessed social media swiftly take the place of in school bullying. Most school administrations have not moved as swiftly to keep up. A slogan is a great idea but eventually that idea must be set into motion with action and accountability. The administration has two choices. The first being to do nothing. This breaks the trust of the students who need help and reinforces that there are no consequences to the students who are causing the harm. The second choice is to follow thru. Holding those who cause harm accountable is difficult in the beginning. It takes the entire administration to stay strong and respond consistently. Eventually, standards will be set and all students will understand the expectations and consequences. Trust is built and respect is earned. This is exhausting in the beginning. What’s more exhausting is trying to come back from the standard that has already been set; that nothing will be done. Administrators are all bark and no bite. It’s said that a goal is just a dream if no action is taken. The same can be said about a slogan. If you see something, say something. Well, Olivia saw the administration’s lack of action and she said something to everyone. Good job, Olivia! You will be long graduated before you see the results of what you brought to light. Hopefully, when the Freshmen of today are Seniors, they will be graduating from a better school because of you.
Junior • Dec 4, 2021 at 6:41 pm
When you mentioned that the administrators are “wasting their time and energy on bathroom duty rather than the actual emotional problems of the students”, I could not cease to notice that even the issues regarding the bathrooms have gone unsolved and have only worsened overtime, while students cannot count on using the restroom safetly and comfortably during the school day, administrators are also failing to realize and act on more important issues involving the students themselves. In addition, although I understand that this article is nearly a month old, I cannot help but attribute the administration’s inability to act with the most recent school shooting at Oxford HS, where administrators have failed every student in that building that day and prior as well. I say that they need to get their priorities straight.
Ace K. • Nov 16, 2021 at 12:51 pm
I absolutely agree with this article, we are always told to say something but no one in the administration takes it seriously. We are always told to tell someone but nothing is done, it’s like they rub it off as “normal” and instead worry about things that have nothing to do with student concerns.
I’ve lost faith in the administration since middle school and it hasn’t gotten better since, they simply do not listen and turn their backs on us. We are silenced and then they complain that no one speaks up, I wonder why…
THIS, this explains why people are afraid to speak up because then we are not believed and shut down. Even in the people we trust, they only sit and do nothing.
I could say more, but I’m willing to let others speak up first, thank you for making this.
A student • Nov 16, 2021 at 7:08 am
There’s an insane amount of hypocrisy in administration, it’s incredible that somebody’s finally saying something about it. I’ve had friends come up to the administration to ask for help on a deeply personal issue only for the administration to call their parents (after knowing they were part of the problem) because ‘they just have to’ even AFTER they promised confidentiality. Don’t go to administration with your problems, bring it up with a teacher first, or go straight to the principal.
Liam Pummer • Nov 15, 2021 at 5:49 pm
Very thought-provoking. Really makes you wonder what else the school is lying to us about.