Humans Of Metea: Lauren Verthein

Amara Saleem, Christina Guckel

Senior Lauren Verthein recently got fourth place in the state for Humorous Duet Acting for Speech.

Ollie Shuminas, Spotlight Writer

Senior Lauren Verthein is involved in Student Council, Do More Metea Valley, Youth and Government, the Speech team, Madrigals Singers, the Principal Advisory Board, the Improv Comedy team, English Honor Society, Drama Club, and Tri-M Music Honor Society. Keep reading to learn more about her experiences here at Metea.

What is your favorite memory from your activities at Metea?

My favorite memory is just recently going to state for speech. It was an amazing experience. I had so much fun with my teammates competing in Peoria, and we were so excited to lead Metea to our highest state placing in school history!

What has inspired you to be the best version of yourself?

I am motivated by thinking about my future and the problems that I want to help solve one day. I hope to study political science and environmental science in college to go into environmental law. I want to be part of the solution to help solve the climate crisis. 

How has being a student here at Metea set you up for success?

Metea has one of the best music programs around with a wide variety of opportunities. I have been able to grow as a musician in different groups such as Madrigals and the school musicals.

Is there anyone you would like to say a few words to?

Thank you to my Speech family! You are all such special people. I can not wait to see where all of you go one day. Continue being a team that shows such great compassion. Stay in touch!

What is a message you can give to other high schoolers?

Get involved as soon as you can! My favorite memories from high school so far have been in my extracurriculars. I have met so many awesome people from tons of different backgrounds, and I have enjoyed hearing their stories.

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