Humans of Metea: Jo Jadhav

Tanay Pant, Christina Guckel

Jo Jadhav is involved in Mustang Wild, Metea Mic’d, Metea Citizens, and plenty of personal projects. Keep reading to learn more about her experiences and how she manages her time here at Metea.

Tanay Pant, Spotlight Reporter

Junior Jyotika Jadhav is involved in Mustang Wild, Metea Mic’d, the Speech team, and much more. Keep reading to learn more about her experiences here at Metea Valley.

What is Mustang Wild?

Mustang Wild is a student-curated magazine that releases one issue every year. We feature submissions from students that range from writing to art and graphic design. Since the magazine is also digital, we feature videos of students performing their talents too, whether it be performing their instrument or their best stand-up! For me, it is an exciting task to present Metea’s students and give them a voice to express their creativity that otherwise would not be seen in a classroom.

How do you think Metea helped you grow as a student?

I have attended seven different schools before Metea, not an exaggeration, and this school has provided a sense of community that I truly felt a part of and also challenged me. I keep meeting new students every day who are similar to me but also very different, and I feel like I learn something new every day from the people I meet. It truly has tested my limits and has made me a better student.

What other clubs do you do?

Besides Mustang Wild, I’m heavily involved in Metea’s poetry club, Metea Mic’d, where we write, listen, and learn to perform poetry. I am also involved in the Speech team where I also do poetry reading. I pop in Citizens of Metea, National English Honors Society, and Rho Kappa Honors Society occasionally. Otherwise, at home I undertake my own art and writing projects and enjoy keeping myself in shape.

How do you manage your time with all these activities?

I think I have an effective way of organizing my priorities, by doing the big things first, then the smaller ones. And even if I do fall behind, I forgive myself and pick up where I left off to the best of my ability. I take breaks when I begin to burn out. It was all trial and error to find out what worked best for me.

Is there anything else you would like to tell your peers?

I have so much to say! A big thing though is that so many students are held back by fear. Whether it is the fear of failure or getting embarrassed or not being good enough, they refuse to try new things. I would like to encourage everyone to try anything that interests them at all. It does not have to be a perfect start. Try it out, see if it fits your style. Do not be afraid of sucking. Do not be afraid of awkwardness. Do not be afraid of mistakes. All of that is a part of the process of becoming your best self, and that adversity makes you stronger and more resilient. To get to where you want to be, you have to challenge yourself.

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