Student Government plans unique events for Seniors

This year, the student government has made changes to Senior Road trip and Prom, giving seniors a new experience.

Lindsey Hall

As the end of the school year approaches, many events and activities for seniors are nearing. The student government (StuGo) plans and contributes to these events year-round.

Senior Sunrise took place this autumn. Participating seniors went to school early to watch the sunrise with their graduating class. Tables were set up on the walkway with snacks and students brought blankets to relax in the fields. 

Soon nearing is Prom, the most popular senior event. Prom will take place on Friday, Apr. 28, with the theme called “A Night on Cloud 9.” It will be hosted at the Embassy Suites, a change from previous years. Student Government member Nidhi Sadasivuni encourages seniors to check prom requirements before attending.

“The ability to purchase prom tickets ended April 16,” Sadasivuni said. “Students have to come to school for at least four periods on the Friday of prom to be allowed in and you need an early dismissal permission slip which has to be submitted by 2:25 p.m. the previous day.”

Senior Roadtrip is another senior event that will take place on  May 13 from 10 pm. to 3 a.m. at Six Flags. This is another change from past years since the usual senior road trip takes place at the school. The cost is $100 per entry, and students will take buses to and from Six Flags. Other schools will be in attendance as well. 

While these events are a large part of the Student Government’s itinerary, the club is also in charge of whole school activities, spirit days, and collaborating with the Emcee’s. During the week of Apr. 17, StuGo planned a spirit week in honor of Autism Awareness Month.

“StuGo is divided into four classes, and each grade is in charge of a particular task,” Sadasivuni said. “Freshmen usually plan more fundraising or charity events, sophomores plan events for the whole school like a homecoming, juniors are in charge of senior Activities (with the seniors) and fundraising events (dodgeball, pie in the face), and seniors pretty much just take care of senior events.”

Student Government meets every Tuesday before school in the N-Hallway classrooms. Sadasivuni hopes that underclassmen will keep StuGO on their radar for next year.

“One thing I encourage to rising seniors, and all students, is that if there is something specific you want to see happen at our school or have a problem, StuGo meetings are the place to voice your concerns,” Sainidhi said. “StuGo has very low commitment and if you can not make a meeting, you are welcome to tell someone on social media or in person who can relay it to StuGo. Your voice matters.”