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Teachers expected to lock students out of classrooms after 7:25 starting Monday


Principal Dan DeBruycker directed teachers to close and lock classroom doors at 7:25 starting Monday. Students will go to their class house to get a tardy pass if they arrive to their first period class after the bell rings.

“It’s important that we all get here on time,” DeBruycker said. “It’s a part of life.” 

According to DeBruycker, 40 to 60% of the school’s tardies are before school.

“Many students are walking the halls when the bell rings at 7:25,” DeBruycker said. “Some of them have been in the building for 15 minutes and they’re late to class.”

Deans will not issue consequences or detentions right away. If students continue having tardies it is going to turn into having conversations with their deans and could lead to escalating consequences.  

When the policy was suggested, DeBruycker felt it was important to take this step to assure that students are in school on time and ready to learn. DeBruycker’s goal is to reduce the number of students who serve detentions or Saturday schools.

 “It’s a sense of urgency for first period because the data shows a significant amount of our tardies, which is creating discipline problems, which is sending kids to Saturday schools, which is any kids after school detention, which we want to avoid because it’s not necessary,” DeBruycker said.

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About the Contributors
Dhiya Ashlyn D.S.
Dhiya is a sophomore and a reporter for The Stampede. She enjoys creative writing, music, art, and spending time with friends. She is also a classical dancer and spends an unnecessary amount of time daydreaming about and watching Tamil cinema.
Lily Senese
Lily Senese is a junior and this is her first year on staff. She is on the Metea Valley varsity soccer team. In her free time, she likes to hang out with friends and family. She also enjoys playing soccer and bonding with her teammates. Lily was in awesome clubs such as Captain's Counsel and Best Buddies. Lastly, Lily loves her dog Duke, and taking him on walks.

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  • A

    ANov 10, 2023 at 7:38 am

    Lebron James wouldn’t approve ?‍♂️

  • A

    AsyaNov 6, 2023 at 8:06 pm

    This should be in every school

    • A

      AMNov 7, 2023 at 1:30 pm

      In my opinion, I don’t think this should be in every school because education does not always need to be at a certain time.

  • C

    CourtneyNov 6, 2023 at 2:26 pm

    The kids that are showing up late are the offspring of the people in these comments who can’t figure out what school this is even though they clicked on the link to the school’s media site.

  • P

    PiperNov 6, 2023 at 11:45 am

    Honestly In my opinion kids do have a hard time getting to class even with there being a lot of students at once going through the hallways, there’s most likely a lot of kids having struggles at home too and being told your going to get a tardy and Saturday school is ridiculous. Imagine being in a students shoes right now and having no idea that all this was put in place. I had to get homeschooled because I was having anxiety and panic attacks in class, so I disagree with the idea of teachers locking their students out just cause they never arrived on time. Just example okay? What if school busses was late on arriving to the school and by the time all the students that rides those specific busses well held accountable for being “Late” when the school should be held accountable for all the busses running late. This shouldn’t be put in place at all. A school should be a little safe haven for kids who are having a hard time at home and yes I do believe all students should be on time atleastly to learn but being locked out of class on purpose for never showing up when intended is is just ridiculous. Sorry not sorry.

  • D

    DBNov 6, 2023 at 11:44 am

    Ew. I hope the number of kids enrolled in the school tanks.

    • A

      AMNov 7, 2023 at 1:28 pm

      Why though, this may not be the best decision, but what about education overall?

  • C

    Carly BlairNov 6, 2023 at 11:34 am

    Yeah, education really isn’t important in this country. The US can’t make that obvious enough.

  • S

    SaraNov 6, 2023 at 11:04 am

    I think this is a great ideal. Society doesn’t realize we all play a part in raising children into becoming successful adults. Learning to finish and return an assignment teaches finishing your work on time in the job setting. Being punctual for school instills punctuality for a job or interview. Knowing math in school means you can balance a cash drawer in fast food, concierge, or a business. I hope more schools follow in suit of this

  • L

    LaraNov 6, 2023 at 7:56 am

    It sounds like power tripping. Stuff happens and teens try to make it on time. Maybe, show some compassion instead of trying to allegedly act like dictators.

  • J

    Joseph PedersenNov 6, 2023 at 7:44 am

    “It’s a part of life”
    My 8th grade science teacher always quoted that one Frank Sinatra song
    “that’s life”
    Thank you Mrs. Senf for teaching us that important lesson

    • R

      RachelNov 6, 2023 at 8:03 am

      Our school system been doing this for over a decade..After so many tardiness they need to fine the parents. I guarantee kids will get to school.

  • C

    Cathyann SmithNov 5, 2023 at 7:57 am

    This is necessary! Parents who drive their kids to school need to understand being on time as well! We have kids who come late with a Starbucks or Dunkin drink!

  • P

    Paula BlumbergNov 5, 2023 at 6:52 am

    I needed to google the principal’s name to know what school this is.

  • C

    CjNov 5, 2023 at 1:13 am

    It’s silly as long they came. This is just adding more pressure to kids. Expecting kids to be perfect and get perfect grades all the time These kids are dealing with alot already. People don’t know what the kids are going through. Hanging in the halls horsing around tell them to get to class as long they not doing any harm to themselves and others. School are failing anyway kids showing up there anyway they struggling already. To go to school for hours and spend additional time at after school program that’s alot. Kds are exhausted ones getting homework. Certain kids can handle take on extra stuff. After a while I know it’s overwhelming for them. Expect them to get up and arrive at school that early alot if pressure. Kids need rest too and extra support in school. This what there doing it’s not going sit well with parents.

    • L

      LeeNov 6, 2023 at 9:44 am

      This is not silly. If students are in the building, there is no reason for them to be late. They come to learn and it’s vital that they cone with that in mind. If they need rest, go to bed early. All of us are dealing with something, stop making excuses for these children who will someday be parents. If the parents don’t like this, keep them at home at teach them. If schools are failing, then we all fail. Get involved and be responsible. This is why there is a shortage of teachers nationally. You expect teachers to perform magic when you send your best to school with little to work with. Wake up!!!

  • P

    PaulaKayNov 4, 2023 at 11:47 am


  • T

    Tiffany GervasioNov 4, 2023 at 11:07 am

    As a teacher at Metea, i am very happy this decision! Yes! It is part of life!

  • J

    John JacobsonNov 4, 2023 at 7:50 am

    Good for him!!!!

  • T

    Thew ElliottNov 4, 2023 at 7:49 am

    What school? Also, making students even later by requiring them to go get a pass, and locking classroom doors? Anti-education and pro-punishment.

    • J

      JennNov 6, 2023 at 4:39 am

      If they are wandering the halls and then late, it’s being held accountable. If you use your word of ” punishment” it’s self- inflicted discipline!

    • L

      Liam PummerNov 6, 2023 at 7:34 am

      I feel like that’s not a component of the policy so much as it is a negative consequence of student deciding to be late. “Anti-education and pro-punishment”, as you put it, would be forcing them to serve detention regardless of whether they get a pass. If tardy arrivals are a problem, it should be the student’s responsibility to make a schedule change to get to class on time rather than complaining about administrative policy.

      That’s just my opinion as a student at Metea Valley. I believe that if there is not a substantially justifiable excuse for late arrival, it is important for safety and academic purposes that students arrive on time.

  • J

    Jacqueline SanchezNov 4, 2023 at 7:42 am

    No mention of what school this article is about

    • A

      AnnNov 6, 2023 at 5:49 pm

      My thought exactly! Where is this at ?

    • K

      KristenNov 14, 2023 at 5:16 pm

      Metea Valley, Aurora, IL
