In this episode, seniors Tanay and Ven revive the B&G experience by discussing AI’s potential effects on identity crime, arguing over what separates fantastic movies from cash grabs, and being generally unhinged.
Music: “Out of Control” from WeVideo.
Black and Gold Podcast Episode 10
December 10, 2023
About the Contributors

Tanay is the online Editor-In-Chief, and this is his third year on the News Journalism team. He loves writing, speaking, and creating new things in general. When he’s not telling stories or furiously doing his homework, you’ll find him listening to music way louder than he reasonably should.

Ven is the Multimedia editor, and this is his senior year at Metea. He loves movies, music, and anything that tells a great story. In his natural habitat, he can be found intently homeworking, randomly ranting, spending time with friends, and doing other things people do.