Will joins Charlie and Xavier to dive into the most recent sports news, from the NFL Combine holdouts, to contract negotiations, and even the outlook of US Hockey.
Breaking down the latest headlines from the world of sports
March 5, 2024
About the Contributors

Charlie is on staff for the first time as a sports writer and he is a senior at Metea Valley. He loves following Chicago sports and spending time with family. When not cram studying or writing his next story, he is probably off tracking seven different games at once and questioning each coach’s decisions.

Xavier Delgado is in his only year on staff and his final year at Metea Valley. He spends his time producing and listening to music while paying attention to football. He also enjoys family time.

Will is returning to News Paper Journalism and is looking forward to researching and writing a variety of different stories. He is a Senior, He runs track, and plays soccer. He also has a variety of interests including Meteorology, Nature, Geography, and Traveling. When he isn’t playing soccer or working out, he is hanging out with friends, working, applying for colleges, deeply researching into many topics, or playing with his little brothers.

Ava Stone is a senior on the graphics team, and this is her second year as a member of the Stampede and she hopes to expand her roles into photography and writing as well as graphics. Some of her hobbies include graphic design, photography, reading, writing, and hanging out with friends. She also enjoys making money at her two jobs: Jojo's Shake Bar and Naperville Yard. After she graduates she hopes to go to college to study psychology.
Shawn Timothy • Mar 5, 2024 at 12:36 pm METEA MEDIA Pick
I was never a huge fan of hockey, but this was a truly RIVETING podcast. Well done gentlemen!
Owen Myket • Mar 7, 2024 at 10:01 am
While it’s great that you found the podcast “riveting,” it’s baffling that you feel the need to qualify your enjoyment by stating your indifference towards hockey. It’s important to recognize that not everyone shares the same protuberating interests, and your unnecessary disclaimer comes off as dismissive of a sport that many people are passionate about. Your comment would have sufficed without the jab at hockey. Let’s keep the discourse respectful and avoid belittling others’ interests in the future. It’s also worth mentioning that your grammar is offensive to the morals of the English language. The forgotten comma in your last sentence is a prime example that the education system does not work for everyone.
Shawn Timothy • Mar 8, 2024 at 12:24 pm METEA MEDIA Pick
During President Biden’s State of the Union address last night, he announced that one goal of his administration is to ensure that every child in the United States is able to read before third grade. His words left me dumbfounded. How could a developed nation such as the United States struggle with such a third world problem? However, upon reading your comment, it is abundantly clear to me that literacy rates among high school students in the US is experiencing a sharp decline. Perhaps a reexamination of my original comment is required. The intent of my opening sentence was not to insult connoisseurs of hockey, but rather to compliment the fine young staff of Metea Media. In spite of my lack of awareness surounding this sport (which has clearly left an impression on young Canadians such as yourself), these talented aspiring journalists have managed to captivate my attention for twenty three minutes and fifteen seconds. Their passion is contagious and strongly appealed to listeners who were outside of their original intended audience. For that, I applaud them. The fact that one could misconstrue my pure and genuine act of kindness toward these gentlemen as an insult speaks greater volumes regarding your worldview than about my character. It is clear that there is only one Metea Media Pick in this comment section.