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Phones should be allowed at school to an extent

Cell Phones can have both negative and positive affects in school.
Ava Stone
Cell Phones can have both negative and positive affects in school.

Head down, fingers tapping on a screen, and oblivious to what is going on around them is what I commonly see during class. Whether it is while the teacher is talking or even during a test, so many students do it during the school day, including myself. 

Going on your phone during free time is okay, but it becomes a problem when it is a distraction during work time. So the question is, do phones and school complement each other?

Although some do not realize this, there are positives to phone usage during school. One example is communication. “I use my phone to message my parents. Sometimes my plans after school change and I have to figure out how I’m getting home,” Sophomore Saanvi Singh said. 

If plans change, such as practice getting canceled, students need to be able to communicate with their parents or guardians who may need to pick them up. If a student misses school, being able to communicate with their classmates is helpful. 

Another positive of phones is providing another learning tool. iPhones have apps like a calculator that can be helpful. Phones are an easy tool to help find answers to questions students do not understand or know. As stated by, 65% of students report using their cell phones for learning at least once per week, according to the National Education Association.

Thirdly, students deserve breaks during the school day, and a student’s phone can be great for a brain break. “Listening to music while I work or even during free time helps me destress from doing work,” Singh said. Whether it is listening to music or playing games, phone usage when allowed can help with distress and being overworked. 

However, allowing phone usage during school does not always end well with all students. 

Allowing cell phone usage can contribute to addiction, lead to more distractions, and students going on their phones when not allowed. “I would say the number is roughly 2 to 3 students per class at most,” Physical Education teacher, Jennifer Torza said. 

During the school day, students go on their phones every day, even when not permitted. It can disrupt the classroom and affect the distracted student and their peers around them. When students do not pay attention, they can lose work time and tune out important information. Not listening to the teacher’s instructions and missing out in class eventually can affect the students’ grades. 

Furthermore, students using their cell phones during school can steer students into social isolation. When there is free time, students commonly spend all their time on their cell phones. This can usher students into having less social skills due to spending less time interacting with peers. 

In all gym classes, phones are strictly not allowed. Not only because of the distraction they bring, but also for the students’ benefit. “I would rather them [students] have time to interact with their peers and teachers,” Torza said. 

Thirdly, cell phone usage also contributes to more privacy concerns. Students can share personal information or photographs from school that should not be shared. 

Another negative effect is the rise in  academic dishonesty. Students can easily go on their phones and use the internet or messaging apps . Even during tests, students can pull out their phones or wear earbuds to cheat. 

In addition to earbuds allowing cheating, they can also be a distraction. When students wear them, they may ignore what is going on around them and in class, and this can lead to them missing out on work or information. 

Then there is also a safety concern. “Once the AirPods are being used, [students] have no connection to anything going around them”, Torza said. It is important to be aware of your surroundings, and wearing earbuds can affect this. 

Whether or not phones are allowed in class or during the school day is up to administrators. But both outcomes can cause problems. So as a student be cautious of your screen time; disconnect your phone to reconnect yourself.  

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About the Contributors
Rayma Miller
Rayma Miller is a sophomore at Metea Valley and this is her first year on staff. She is 15 years old and also a new student at Metea; Rayma just moved here from Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys reading, riding her bike, shopping, and spending time with family and friends.
Ava Stone
Ava Stone is a senior on the graphics team, and this is her second year as a member of the Stampede and she hopes to expand her roles into photography and writing as well as graphics. Some of her hobbies include graphic design, photography, reading, writing, and hanging out with friends. She also enjoys making money at her two jobs: Jojo's Shake Bar and Naperville Yard. After she graduates she hopes to go to college to study psychology. 

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