What are you involved in at Metea?
At Metea, I’ve had an awesome time meeting people who care a lot about our school community and want to help us have a great experience. I serve on the Principal’s Advisory Board as Co-President, where we work to find solutions and recommendations to improve our Metea LIFE. I’ve had the chance to be a Coordinator for our Day of LIFE, which is an amazing time twice a year where we take the day to learn more about who we are and how we can make a difference in our school and outside of it. I’m in my third year in Youth and Government, where I’ve had the chance to be an attorney, legislator, and Governor Candidate for Region 1. I am currently the Co-President (President over Legislators). I’ve also had a great time being involved in Student Government as Class Service Chair for the past two years. We were able to make an impact serving together at Feed My Starving Children last November and this April when our session packed over 25,000 meals to feed 71 kids for a year. We are organizing a large multi-class Donation Drive for Hesed House this year in conjunction with Homecoming for our Throwback Giveback Thursday. As Public Relations Officer of Rho Kappa, I get the word out for our meetings where we find ways to serve the school community. I recommend anyone who is considering serving on these boards to reach out and get involved!
What do you participate in outside of school?
Outside of Metea, I am involved in Young Hearts for Life YH4L, where I serve as Co-President of the Junior Board. I also serve on the Naperville KidsMatter Senior High Board, where we host volunteer fairs and fundraisers to provide opportunities and support to teens.
What do you plan to pursue in the future?
These experiences have helped me look forward to preparing for law school by majoring in History and minoring in Business.
What is your favourite Metea memory?
When I look back on my time at Metea, I’d say my favorite memories are The Day of Life events because of the genuine unity, energy, and real advice that students and leaders give.
What message would you give to other high school students?
To students starting out their high school years, I would say to be kind, no matter how simple it seems. You never know the massive difference you can make in someone’s day, just by saying hello and asking how things are going. This can create waves to make our school life better, one person at a time.
Is there anyone you would like to shout out?
I want to give a shout out to Mr. DeBruckyer, to all my Youth and Government leaders, and the Social Studies Department teachers. They have all made such an impact on me in helping me gain confidence and giving their time, no matter how busy they are.
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