Spinners: The toy that divides a generation

This fad has gone too far. The craze over these “fidget spinners” has divided middle school and high school age people. Some adore the things while others disapprove of them.

There’s no need to give an explanation as to what a spinner is, we have all seen them around our school. There’s all kinds of spinners, ones that light up, ones that spin, and craziest of all, ones that spin!

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a toy; even some adults like collecting action figures. As long as no one is being hurt, I don’t see an issue. That being said, I do see an issue when some manufacturers have touted these spinners as being therapeutic, even claiming they can be used to relieve symptoms of attention disorders, autism, and anxiety.

As it stands, there isn’t any scientific research that states these toys can help alleviate any symptoms of the ADHD, anxiety, etc. If someone finds me a research paper or documented evidence that disproves this statement, please leave a comment pointing me in the right direction.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2011 as many as 6.4 million children between the ages of four and 17 had been diagnosed with ADHD. Misleading consumers into thinking that a simple toy can help with real medical diagnoses is not only morally questionable but is false advertising as well.

Am I bashing something that has already gotten enough attention over the last several weeks? Yes. If you love your spinner please keep on enjoying the thing as it is meant to be enjoyed: as a toy. If you hate the things for existing, then please continue to do God’s work.

I feel that I must add something onto the end here as to not upset the Metea Media crowd. While I have expressed evidence to support this “opinions” article, sarcasm and exaggeration have played a big role in this story, please keep that in mind.