By Prashant Shankar
Online Editor
Graphic by Ana Bicolli
For most Americans, this election has been a train wreck that you just can’t look away from. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have the...
By Brianna Powell
Photo by Meghan King
I remember when the first day of school would be an excessive production. My mother would pack my lunch box, enclosed with a note that would...
As I was attempting to write a story regarding the supposed stigma, bully-free zone that is high school, I realized that schools have not seemed to solve the issues LGBTQ kids face on a daily basis. Social...
[quote]By Alexis Rizzi
Graphic by Ana Biccoli[/quote]
While we all know there are many double standards against women, there’s also a double standard directed towards males that no...
[quote]By Serena Bernal
Features Writer
Graphic by Qiyuan Zhou[/quote]
The trend of the term “savage” has become quite relevant within pop culture and the social media recently. The movement has...
[quote]By Amy Ahern
Guest Writer
Graphic by Ana Biccoli[/quote]
Statistically, a rape crime only makes up 7.2 percent of reported violent crimes every year. One in three women and one in four men...
By Sushi Suresh
For every Asian kid, there are the age-old questions we’ve all heard. Some of my favorites include: “Aren’t you just naturally smart?”, or “Why can’t you hang out?”, or...
[quote]By Nikki Roberts
Online Writer
Photo by Alexis Rizzi[/quote]
For the past two years, I have participated in the Day of Silence, a national student led movement that raises awareness about the...
[quote]By Prashant Shankar
Online Writer
Graphic by Ana Bicolli[/quote]
Barring a few Sanders upsets in states like New York and Pennsylvania, Clinton is poised to win the Democratic nomination....
Web Edit: The Pros and Cons of PARCC from The Mane on Vimeo.
[quote]By Brianna Powell
Editorial Editor
Graphic by Brianna Powell[/quote]
When I was freshman, the top three universities that I wanted to get into were Harvard, Princeton and Yale as a safety school,...