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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Symphony for a Spider Plant by Mort Garson

Symphony for a Spider Plant by Mort Garson

Ursula Sturgeon, Perspectives Reporter
March 25, 2021

Plantasia, the album this song was released within, is something of a 70s curiosity. “Music for Plants and the People who Love Them”, the album was created with the intention that playing it near houseplants...

Burn Him Down by The Kitsch Club

Burn Him Down by The Kitsch Club

Ursula Sturgeon, Perspectives Reporter
March 25, 2021

Woodsy Owl is one of the United States Forest Service’s lesser-known official mascots, often used to discourage littering and encourage keeping forests clean. However, Woodsy is a branded mascot, and...

Least Favorite Only Child by Leanna Firestone

Least Favorite Only Child by Leanna Firestone

Emily Veenstra, Spotlight Reporter
March 25, 2021

Leanna Firestone has been one of my favorite artists the past few months. Her typical song writing style focuses on relationships based off of different animes and is upbeat and centered around love. “Least...

So Am I by Ava Max

So Am I by Ava Max

Pravalika Balajivaishnavi, Perspectives Reporter
March 25, 2021

I first got introduced to Ava Max’s music through this song. It only took me less than 30 seconds to love this song, and for the rest of the week, I would only listen to this song. I really enjoyed how...

Chicken Tendies by Clinton Kane

Chicken Tendies by Clinton Kane

Emily Veenstra, Spotlight Reporter
March 25, 2021

While the name might throw a few people off, Chicken Tendies has nothing to do with chicken tenders at all. The first time I heard this song was a 15 second clip on TikTok and I immediately fell in love...

Teachers adapt to teaching during COVID-19

Megan Drake
March 23, 2021

In one short year, teachers have had to adapt and rearrange everything to provide education and support for their students. Staff started working from home, moving their classwork and materials online,...

Quarantine has made coping with mental health issues more difficult.

Mental health concerns increase due to quarantine

Katrina Viloria and Sofia Jubraj
March 23, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has unprecedentedly altered our way of life from healthcare to the education system. Healthcare has been the most heavily impacted by the pandemic. Following healthcare, mental health...

Students adjust to a new way of learning

High school students have experienced many changes in the past year. They have faced multiple revised class schedules, a new sports schedule, club cancellations, and many Zoom classes. With these changes,...

Metea sports face frequent changes

Tyler Perry
March 23, 2021

The fateful day of March 13 was an unexpected turning point for all District 204 students. That Friday would be the first of roughly 150 days without high school sports. Spring teams were hit the hardest...

COVID-19 brings mourning to families

Jessica Velazquez
March 23, 2021

News and media outlets mentioned a virus spreading across China with images and videos of emergency rooms filled at capacity and infected individuals with ventilators. Never did anyone realize that the...

Candidate: Saba Haider

Candidate: Saba Haider

March 17, 2021

Tell us about your high school experience. What clubs or activities were you involved in?  My experience in high school was fun, formative, and challenging. I loved literature and science! I was part...

Candidate: Yanmei May Liang

Candidate: Yanmei May Liang

March 17, 2021

Tell us about your high school experience. What clubs or activities were you involved in? I have never been to any high school at all. When I graduated from middle school at age of 15, I attended a...

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