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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Editorial Policy

Metea Valley Student Journalism 2023-2024 Editorial Policy

The Stampede is the official student-produced news magazine of Metea Valley High School; The Rein is the official student-produced yearbook of Metea Valley High School; and Metea Media is the official student-produced news website of Metea Valley High School. Together, they are referred to as “The Publications” in this editorial policy.

All three student Publications are designated public forums for Metea Valley students. Their mission is to educate, inform, and highlight the stories that walk Metea Valley’s halls.

The Publications will not be reviewed or restrained by school officials prior to publication or distribution. The advisers may, and should, coach and discuss content during the writing process to promote sound journalistic practices; however, student editors will make all decisions of content. Because school officials do not engage in prior review, the content of The Publications is determined by, and reflects only the views of, the students on staff, not school officials or the school.

The Publications and their staffs are protected by and bound to the principles of the First Amendment, the Speech Rights of Student Journalists Act, and other protections and limitations afforded by the Constitution and the various laws and court decisions implementing those principles.

The Publications will not publish any material determined by the editorial boards to be libelous, obscene, materially disruptive of the school process, an unwarranted invasion of privacy, or a violation of copyright. Definitions and examples for the above instances of unprotected speech can be found in Law of the Student Press published by the Student Press Law Center.

When The Publications are reporting on a story that could have legal ramifications, the reporters and adviser will consult with an attorney at the Student Press Law Center prior to publication.

Once a story, photograph, or video has been aired or posted on our online platforms, it will not be removed or deleted. Exceptions may be made if there is a compelling journalistic reason, such as a violation of standard journalistic ethics (e.g. content is found to be libelous, slanderous, obscene, an invasion of privacy, or contains substantive reporting errors). Factual errors are not a cause for deletion of a story; however, the staff will be compelled to correct factual errors and include an editor’s note at the beginning or end of the story to reflect the change from the previous version.

Staff members will strive to objectively cover controversial topics by seeking multiple sources, so that information from all sides can be presented and contextualized.

The Publications’ editorial boards, which consists of the staff’s student editors, will determine the content, including all unsigned editorials. The views stated in the staff editorials represent that of a majority of the editorial board and are written by one or two staff members based on editorial board discussions. Signed columns or reviews labeled as “opinion” represent only the opinion of the author.

The Stampede accepts letters to the editor from students and other members of the community. For letters to the editor to be considered for publication in the printed issue or on Metea Media, they follow the criteria listed on the Student Submission Guidelines page on Metea Media.

Staff members and contributors to The Publications grant a nonexclusive license to the publications to reproduce, distribute, display, distribute, and electronically transmit copies of their work in the issue for which the work was originally submitted, future or commemorative issues, the publication’s web site, or other physical or electronic media now and in the future.

Staff members will strive to correct errors prior to publication; however, if the editorial board determines an error is printed, the editorial board will determine the manner and timeliness of a correction.

The Publications have the right to accept or reject any advertisement. Advertising shall be free of statements that are offensive to good taste or public decency based on the opinion of the editorial board. The Publications will not accept advertising for products that are illegal for high school students. Attacks on competing businesses will not be published. Advertisements that are printed in The Publications do not constitute an endorsement by The Publications’ staffs, advisers, Metea Valley faculty members, or District 204.

The Publications follow the AP Stylebook with the addition of the Oxford comma. The Publications are members of the Northern Illinois Scholastic Press Association, the National Scholastic Press Association, and Quill and Scroll.

If a student or faculty member passes away, The Stampede and/or Metea Media will print an obituary, unless the student or faculty member’s immediate family wishes otherwise. It will include factual information, such as the cause of death, while focusing on the person’s life, interests, and achievements. The Stampede may contact the deceased’s family and may cover news associated with the death if deemed appropriate by the editorial board. The Stampede will treat all deaths in a tasteful, respectful way.

The Publications’ editors-in-chief and the advisers (Adam Page and Kristen DiGiorgio-Kadich) shall interpret and enforce this editorial policy.