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Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Your World. Your Stories. Everyday.


Social Media Policy

The Stampede’s Twitter account, @MV_Stampede, Facebook page “MV Stampede”, Snapchat account “MVstampede”,  and Instagram account @MV_Stampede are the official student-run accounts of the school newspaper.

They will strive to inform and entertain students as well as serve as a way for The Stampede to supplement The Stampede’s media outlets.

All tweets and pictures posted are generated by the staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the adviser, the administration, or the overall student body of Metea Valley High School.

We will not post anything that is libelous, obscene, an unwarranted invasion of privacy, or a violation of copyright. It will also not post anything that disparages gender, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.

As a staff, we will report correct and truthful information to the best of our ability. If factual mistakes are made, we will publicly acknowledge them to inform followers of the incorrect information that was previously posted. We will not post gossip in any form.

The Stampede will favorite tweets and like photos that support Metea students, activities, or the Stampede.
The Stampede will follow current Metea students and staff, news-based organizations, local organizations, and other Twitter and Instagram accounts that are deemed relevant to the community.
We will post Metea Media articles and updates, information about school events, information about local current events, and information about the achievements of the Mustang community.
The Stampede will reply to comments and tweets in a professional manner, and delete or report any comments and tweets that do not align with the Metea Media comment policy.

Twitter Specific:
The Stampede will retweet tweets related to sports and news events. The Stampede will primarily retweet professional/organizational accounts but will reply to students’ personal Twitter accounts in order to interact with the student body.

Instagram specific:
The photography team, along with the Editor-in-Chief, Online Editor, and Social Media Editor, manages the Instagram account, although other social media contributors have access.
Pictures taken will always be unfiltered and unedited.
Pictures can be taken through iPhones, but picture quality is expected to match the quality of printed or Metea Media pictures.
When possible, the Stampede will tag students in pictures.
The captions are expected to match the quality of printed captions and will credit the photographer in the same way.

Snapchat specific:
The Stampede will snapchat pictures and/or videos related to any appropriate activities Metea students or staff are involved in. Pictures and videos must represent the activity as a whole and may not be personal to one specific person or group of people unless otherwise directed.

Facebook specific:
The Photography Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Online Editor, and Social Media Editor manages the Facebook page. The page will serve the purpose of relaying important events happening at Metea and will primarily be used to post pictures of student life at Metea.

@MV_Stampede will be utilized for the welfare of the Metea Valley student body with no selfish or personal agendas from The Stampede staff.
To protect student privacy, the account password will be kept in a secure location, and it will only be used by the adviser when contributing editors cannot be contacted.

The Stampede staff assumes complete liability for all posted content.
The appointed contributing social media editors will interpret and enforce this policy.

The contributing editors of Stampede social media are: Editor-in-Chief, Online Editor, the Photography team, News Editor, Sports Editor, and Social Media Editor.

Contributing editors will read and understand the social media policy before being given access to the password.

Additional contributors from the Stampede Staff can be added or removed at the mutual discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, Online Editor, Social Media Editor and Adviser. Password changes will also be made at the discretion of this team.

The Social Media Policy can be changed at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, Online Editor, Social Media Editor and Adviser, with consultation from other editors as needed.