Trump Administration’s DACA decision is the most immoral decision it’s made
Photo courtesy of Creative Commons
On September 5, 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, popularly known as DACA, will be rescinded. This would put an end to the Obama-era program that protected around 800,000 illegal immigrants who entered the US as children from deportation and gave them a path to citizenship.
This decision spurred controversy across the nation. While many see this as a completely preposterous action that put many people in danger of losing their livelihood, some see this as a good thing. These people were technically here illegally, so why give them special protection? It only makes sense.
Well, those few people are wrong. Dead wrong. The rescinding of DACA was not only one of if not the most immoral thing that the Trump administration has done, but it is also completely debased from the reality of the situation.
Before we take a look at why rescinding DACA was such a terrible move, it would be best to add some context and deconstruct the reasons why DACA was ever considered being rescinded in the first place. To begin, DACA has its origins with the DREAM Act, a bill protecting illegal immigrants who come to the country as minors. The bill went through congress several times since its inception, but could never fully pass. Seeing this as a problem, then President Barack Obama enacted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program on June 15, 2012, better known as DACA.
And now just over 5 years later, DACA is seen by some groups as an unnecessary program that not only protects potentially dangerous people from leaving this country but also allows many immigrants coming into the country illegally without fear of deportation. This creates more problems at the detriment to law abiding citizens.
But was that actually going to happen? Let’s look at the facts. According to the US Citizenship and Immigration services, the guidelines of those that can apply for DACA protection are that they must have been under the age of 31 by June 15, 2012, came to the US before the age of 16, have continuously resided in the US since June 15, 2007, are in the US when you make your application, must not be a US citizen or here on a visa, are currently in school or graduated high school/obtained a GED, or have not committed a felony or significant misdemeanor. So not only according to these guidelines is it impossible for supposed criminals to be protected by the program, but it’s also impossible for an influx of minors to cross the border to take advantage of the program, as according to those guidelines, they are not eligible for the program.
However, the crimes that disavow you from DACA protection are pretty heavy. It can still protect people who commit minor crimes from deportation. That would be the case, if the statistics did not disprove this fact. According to, multiple studies have proven that immigrants do not commit more crimes than the average US citizen. So no matter what, saying that a DACA recipient or any immigrant for that matter would cause trouble and commit more crimes is just factually inaccurate.
So generally, if you look at the facts, DACA seems like a fair and balanced program that both protects those who came to the Unites States as children and also makes sure that the only ones allowed to stay were good upstanding citizens already. So why would the Trump administration find anything wrong with the program to begin with?
Let’s go back to the Obama administration. In 2014, Obama made attempts to expand DACA to include older immigrants and the families of DACA recipients. This was seen as too much by the members of the GOP, who already saw the implementation as the president going too far with executive powers. It got to the point where Texas and 25 other states, all with Republican governors, sued the United States government over the expansion. This allowed for that expansion to be blocked. And of course seeing all this hate building up for DACA on the conservative side of things, a certain politician got on the 2016 Presidential Campaign trail, and announced that he, if elected, would eliminate DACA on day one of his presidency. That candidate was President Donald J. Trump.
So there we have it. A program defending the dreamers that came to America as kids not knowing they were illegal has been ended thanks to misinformation and fear spread by 25 state governors and one very powerful man. With 800,000 people facing possible deportation, what can be done to help them?
The answer is simple: fight back. Contact your local senators, city council, mayor, governor, or just an influential community member. Even go as far as to contact each and every one of the current state governors of those 25 states that helped kill this program. Make sure it is known that you and many others want this program to protect these dreamers, no matter what the fear mongering says otherwise. These people are family, friends, co-workers, you name it. The only thing they have done wrong is that their family attempted to give them a better life, even if doing so was illegal. They have not done anything wrong.
So if you know a dreamer, please, do what you can to fight back. Because if you don’t, they may never have the chance to dream on.

Liam Sweeney is a senior at Metea Valley and the Perspectives Editor for the school magazine. He is a political independent, as...
anonymous • Oct 27, 2019 at 2:26 pm
families that come here dont just come for the fun of it. they are trying to save themselves and their families. they dont come here with the intention to harm our economy, they come here for a better future. why is everyone focusing on immigrants when these mass shootings that our occurring in America are being caused by citizens!! good for you if your grandparents were able to come to America the “right” way but that’s not how it is for everyone. for some people there is no “waiting line” depending where you come from it can take years to be able to come to America. these children that are being torn apart from their parents are being held in cages. these immigrants aren’t a threat to us so why so much hate towards them?
Christopher Gomez • Oct 20, 2017 at 9:06 am
DECA is up there with the sanctuary cities laws in being 1. Unconstitutional 2. Just straight up illegal.
If you immigrate to the country illegally that means you are illegal it doesn’t matter if you were a child you are still illegal and you still need to be removed from this country.
Fr • Oct 13, 2017 at 1:25 pm
Funny how no one mentions the punishments for crossing the border illegally in other countries. In Russia, you face prison time, In Italy you are finer from €5,000-10,000 and you can be detained by an official for up to 6 months upon other countries who have their own set of laws. My boyfriend and his family immigrated 4 years ago from Mexico to America, and came of here legally. You must follow and abide by the laws of the United States if you want to live here.
C28 • Sep 19, 2017 at 7:55 am
Illegal immigration is not an issue of morality, these children were skewed by their own parents. It is because of their parents decision to break the intranational law of the United States of America that they are facing problems such as deportation. I say we should just deport them all. I don’t believe that it really matters if we “hurt their feelings”. This strong nation needs to prove that we are a superpower and mean business. No Childish games when it comes to breaking the law, when you break any laws, you face the consequences. It’s really not a lot to ask an emigrant to do all of the paperwork and pay the fees to come in. They would become AMERICANS, we don’t care about Americans illegally residing in these great United States. If this issue was about parents who want a better birthday for their kids, and decided to jump a fence at Disneyland to sneak them in, nobody would care, we KNOW that’s wrong and Illegal. so why does this not apply on a National Level?
C28 • Sep 19, 2017 at 7:58 am
Common Sense • Sep 18, 2017 at 7:28 am
You benefit from the good decisions your parents made. The same goes for when they make stupid and illegal decisions. It is not immoral for the government to kick you out for illegally being here.
Dusty Dindu • Sep 13, 2017 at 11:23 pm
If your parents sneak you into Disney World without paying, does Disney World have the right to kick you out? Yeah they do. I don’t care how old you are, immigration has never been easier than it is right now. When my great great grandfather entered this county through Ellis island, if he so much as coughed he would have been sent back to Denmark. Immigration is a privilege not a right. This is one of the most bias and factually incorrect Liam Sweeny articles and that’s saying something.
C28 • Sep 19, 2017 at 7:58 am
Thank you!!! (and I swear I didn’t see your comment when I did the Disneyland metaphor.)
Y98 • Sep 25, 2017 at 8:28 am
First of all, you can’t compare something as small as Disney world to something as big as the immigration situation. Kicking someone out from Disney world may or may not ruin someone’s day, but kicking an illegal immigrant will change their lives, probably for the worse. Put yourself in their shoes, you are making less than $20 dollars a day. Of course, you would want to travel to America, but oh wait, it’s basically impossible to get a visa and getting a green card is impossible for you unless you have a relative in the US. I know we’re not all democratic, but put themselves in their shoes as some people who want a better life for themselves and their families.
谢洋洋 • Sep 26, 2017 at 11:29 am
Yes, you can compare both of those situations because they are essentially the same thing but on a different scale.
How about you put on my shoes, I am the first generation of my family to be born in America. My parents were both legal immigrants. My father didn’t have anyone for him to vouch for him yet he still acquired an American citizenship. He had to spend ten years and more that 5,000 dollars to get that green card.
People that come illegally who don’t spend the time and money to get a legal citizenship shouldn’t be able to stay because how is that fair to someone who spent the effort to achieve a legal citizenship, have the same opportunities of someone who didn’t.
Citizenship is a privilege, not a right.
Avery Austgen • Sep 13, 2017 at 8:20 am
We already know he is out of his mind. Hes “Making America Great Again” by taking away protection from little kids FORCED to immigrate by their parents?????? Its incredible how he hasn’t been impeached. Getting into power struggles with North Korea is only one bad mistake. He clearly has only made matters worse and if he keeps it up, will get us all hurt.
C28 • Sep 19, 2017 at 8:02 am
He has not been impeached yet because, regardless of what Liberals think, it’s not Illegal. In fact, it’s easier to try impeaching President Donald John Trump( <3 ) by showing how he's doing nothing about these people illegally residing in our great nation. Laws are Laws, don't be a sheep, but don't be an Anarchist.