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Muslim Student Association condemns Quran burning committed by WV Student

Courtesy of MSA
Members of the Muslim Student Association board celebrate their club together.

Metea’s Muslim Student Association (MSA) held a meeting last Friday to open a discussion after a video of a Waubonsie Valley student burning a copy of the Quran resurfaced on social media. 

The Waubonsie student set fire to a copy of the Quran, the sacred text of Islam, in the summer of 2023. The student recorded the incident before posting it to his Snapchat story. In the past two weeks, the video resurfaced on different social media platforms and upset many students. 

Some Metea students expressed anger and sadness, while other students called for the student to be punished. The Muslim Student Association’s co-president, Sameer Pirzada, released a statement about the incident at an MSA meeting on Friday, Oct. 6. 

“We all condemn the actions of the student who did the act,” Pirzada said in the statement. “What he did was an act of hate and the student was very misguided to do what he did.”

Other students who attended the meeting were angered by the video as well. Junior Imaan Kazmi feels concerned about what this means for the Waubonsie students in particular. 

“It makes me feel a little bit unsafe to think there are people going to school with my friends at Waubonsie who have those views and are willing to act on it,” Kazmi said. “It feels terrible.”

According to senior Hafsah Khan, retaliating to hateful actions of others with threats or violence is not what Islam stands for. 

“That’s not the right way to deal with a situation like that. [This] is not something our religion says and it’s not something that anyone should be condoning in the first place,” Khan said. 

In America, the issue of Islamophobia is especially potent. According to Gallup News, while over 65% of people surveyed in European societies on average tend to respect Muslim societies and people, the United States features more than 50% of surveyed people believing that Muslim societies do not deserve respect. According to the United Nations, educating the population helps society learn more about the core tenets, customs, and traditions of different religions. This dismisses misconceptions and stereotypes, which in turn disarms hate. It shows the importance of coexistence and peaceful interactions between people of different religious beliefs, races, and other differences in our society.  

“Education is the best way to avoid incidents like this,” MSA Vice President Ibrahim Anwar said. “We are upset about what happened, and our community is hurt, but we need to move forward by showing people how their ignorance is wrong. That, in our opinion, is the best way to stop this kind of hate.”

Because the incident took place at Waubonsie Valley, Metea’s administration is unable to comment on the action of the student. However, Principal Daniel DeBruycker attended the meeting to clarify that Metea has a strict policy against hate and discrimination. He was also sure to quote the student handbook on that very policy.

“We have no tolerance for that,” DeBruycker said. “I can say that in our handbook, under Acts of Misconduct, (BP 7:190) example #5 states, ‘Possession of literature or images and/or use of slurs derogatory or inappropriate comments that refer to race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.’”

The MSA, moving forward, seeks to raise awareness of the Muslim community within students, here at Metea, and in our neighborhoods. 

“If we all just took some time to take other’s perspectives and feelings into account, we can avoid these kinds of situations,” co-president Alina Kamal said. “It just takes some empathy.”

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About the Contributors
Tanay Pant
Tanay is the online Editor-In-Chief, and this is his third year on the News Journalism team. He loves writing, speaking, and creating new things in general. When he’s not telling stories or furiously doing his homework, you’ll find him listening to music way louder than he reasonably should.
Emily Peña
Emily Pena is a junior and this is her first year writing for The Stampede as a headlines reporter. She loves to paint, draw, and watch true crime documentaries. When in the comfort of her own home, she likes connecting her music to her speaker and playing it at an unreasonably loud volume, talking to friends and family, or napping.
Mansi Payal Narayanan
Mansi is a senior at Metea Valley and it is her first year on staff as a Copy Editor. She enjoys reading and playing piano. In her free time, you can find her writing up a story in any comfortable space.
Sam Patil
Sam is a sophomore and this is her first year on staff as Perspectives Editor. She likes to listen to true crime podcasts, cook, violently organize, then reorganize. Some more practical hobbies include web design, graphic design, photography, and writing.  You can find her in the library or any large body of water housing ducks.

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  • J

    Joseph PedersenOct 16, 2023 at 8:32 am

    It is insane how hateful some people can be

  • M

    MKOct 15, 2023 at 8:52 pm

    It’s sad that a student even had such radicalised Islamophobia in the first place to do such an act. It’s great that people are coming together to condemn this because it’s seriously unacceptable.. I hope some heavy administrative action against the student who did that takes place because atp it’s the safety and comfort of the students at our schools being threatened

  • A

    Abd Alrahman AlkhatibOct 13, 2023 at 2:09 pm

    How can I join the MSA

    • S

      Sameer PirzadaOct 14, 2023 at 1:27 pm METEA MEDIA Pick

      You can join our Google Classroom! Code: bun26xu
      All information can be found there.

  • S

    Shafique MohammedOct 13, 2023 at 1:25 pm

    Proud of of the MSA community at Metea for taking action and bringing awareness for what needed to be said.
