Mustangs celebrate Diwali by showcasing their traditional attire
November 15, 2023
About the Contributors

Ritika Khurana is a sophomore and this is her first year on staff. She loves talking about her dogs and burying her nose into a book. When she’s not reading, you can find her listening to music while making a snack or simply watching TV.

Tanay is the online Editor-In-Chief, and this is his third year on the News Journalism team. He loves writing, speaking, and creating new things in general. When he’s not telling stories or furiously doing his homework, you’ll find him listening to music way louder than he reasonably should.

Ven is the Multimedia editor, and this is his senior year at Metea. He loves movies, music, and anything that tells a great story. In his natural habitat, he can be found intently homeworking, randomly ranting, spending time with friends, and doing other things people do.

Mansi Bajaj is a junior, and this is her second year as a Copy Editor on staff. She loves writing, reading, and (her favorite activity) sleeping. You can find her in the library hunched over her Chromebook as she tries to finish a project assigned three weeks ago.

Ollie Shuminas is a Senior who has been on staff for three years. He is currently the Editor-in-chief of the Stampede. Outside of journalism, you may find him a part of Metea’s many theatrical activities, the speech team, or reading a plethora of books.
D • Nov 15, 2023 at 3:55 pm
Physical, metaphorically, and metaphysically ??