[quote]By Sushmitha Suresh
Online Writer
Graphic by Sushmitha Suresh[/quote]
When I entered Metea Valley one Monday morning my freshman year, I was disgusted by the sight of a couple blocking my locker...
[quote]By Stephanie Sorich
Profiles Editor [/quote]
While everyone else was dreaming of their warm and sunny winter break vacations, I had one thing on my mind: Iowa.
Right before winter break,...
[quote]By Alex Garcia
Opinions Editor
Graphic by Drew Danko[/quote]
This game took 50 years in the making, 50 long years of memorable moments. From Bart Star being MVP in the Packers hard fought win...
[quote]By Drew Danko
Online Editor
Photo by Jack Heerhold[/quote]
Just in the last week, four fights broke out among students in our school. Yes, we walk around school or go to class and hear that...
[quote]By Drew Danko
Online Editor
Graphic by Drew Danko[/quote]
In my four years at Metea, I have taken many engaging, helpful courses that have prepared me for my postsecondary education and equipped...
[quote]By Brianna Powell
Editorial Editor
Graphic by Drew Danko[/quote]
SAT. ACT. AP. PSAT. PARCC. The “New” SAT. It’s enough to make any sane high school student lose their cool. It makes this...
[quote]By Drew Danko
Online Editor
Photo by Jack Heerhold[/quote]
Transportation giant Uber had much more to celebrate as the ball dropped into 2016, as it provided its billionth ride on Dec. 30....
[quote]By Megan Arnold
Features Editor
Cartoon courtesy of www.14publications.com[/quote]
“There is a great hatred toward Americans by large segments of the Muslim population,” Donald Trump, at...
[quote]By Sushmitha Suresh
Online Writer
Graphic by Qiyuan Zhou[/quote]
Tweet to take advantage of the freedom of speech
If you’re a student at Metea Valley with a Twitter account,...
[quote]By Zainie Qureshi
Opinions Writer
Photo courtesy of YouTube[/quote]
There’s already been a fair amount of controversy surrounding YouTuber, Sam Pepper, regarding multiple sexual harassment...
[quote]By Nurah Lambert
Entertainment Editor
Photo courtesy of AdamProcter (Wikipedia)[/quote]
In mid-March this year a grainy video was released of members from the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (ΣAE) fraternity...