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A walk through nature: why embracing the outdoors is so critical

Fall Hiking in the Palisades.
Fall Hiking in the Palisades. (William Donofrio)



As I walked through the forest, I heard birds chirping, I saw the sun through the trees, and I felt at peace.

Forest lined, lake in the Arboretum.
Forest lined, lake in the Arboretum. (William Donofrio)



I wonder why someone might have different experiences in nature.

Summer Lake in the Arboretum.
Summer Lake in the Arboretum. (William Donofrio)



Time with nature is a stress reliever, every child and adolescent should have this basic right in life. Therefore, every student should be required to have a class that spends time in nature.

Cuyahoga Valley National Park just outside of Cleveland Ohio.
Cuyahoga Valley National Park just outside of Cleveland Ohio. (William Donofrio)


According to the National Laboratory of Medicine Nature has many beneficial impacts including “improved cognitive function, brain activity, blood pressure, mental health, physical activity, and sleep” (National Laboratory of Science)

Fall Forest next to the dunes in Michigan.
Fall Forest next to the dunes in Michigan. (William Donofrio)


Furthermore, there are many other benefits including “Reduction of stress and increase of social engagement, while mitigating harmful environmental exposures (e.g. air pollution, noise, heat).”

Beautiful summer trail in the Arboretum
Beautiful summer trail in the Arboretum (William Donofrio)



Studies have shown that spending time in nature is very beneficial. Even taking a moment to breathe some fresh air and walk can do wonders for one’s health.

Forest Trail in Olympic National Park.
Forest Trail in Olympic National Park. (William Donofrio)



One Remarkable theory from Richard Louv is called Nature Deficit Disorder, in which he implies that health has a direct link to the lack of time spent in nature.

Summer Trail along the Fox River.
Summer Trail along the Fox River. (William Donofrio)



According to his biography, “He believes society is teaching to avoid direct exposure to nature…”

Forest Trail in Washington State.
Forest Trail in Washington State. (William Donofrio)


…which as a result of “Our institutions, Urban/suburban design, and cultural attitudes unconscionably associate nature with doom while disassociating the outdoors from joy & solitude…”

Creek in the middle of a Forest.
Creek in the middle of a Forest. (William Donofrio)


…which ties to how the problems of health are ingrained into our society and why we need to break them.

Forest park in the middle of a town.
Forest park in the middle of a town. (William Donofrio)

According to the New York Times, “Rich Americans enjoy almost 50% more greenery in their environment compared to lower income Communities” while “lower-income communities and communities of color are more often live in neighborhoods with a higher share off concrete surfaces such as roads, buildings and parking lots, and a very limited number of trees and parks.”

Forest trail in Southern Illinois.
Forest trail in Southern Illinois. (William Donofrio)


This shows how there is an inequality on who gets nature in their communities on the basis of discrimination and classism. This is drastically important because nature needs to be accessible to everyone.

River Valley in Washington State.
River Valley in Washington State. (William Donofrio)



Therefore, schools should use nature as a class to bridge that inequity gap and provide a service that would improve children’s and adolescents’ lives for the better.

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About the Contributor
William Donofrio
Will is new to journalism and is looking forward to writing a variety of different stories. He is a junior, plays soccer, and runs track. He also has many other interests including meteorology, urban planning, and reading fantasy books. When he is not playing soccer or working out, he is drawing, reading books, playing with his brothers, or hanging out with friends.

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